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This is resource JYU35KR, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/11 -2017 18:36:20

Ended:28/3 -2018 13:00:11

Checked:28/3 -2018 13:09:00

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 38.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 12386

Age: 113.76d   Health: 0%   Posters: 21   Posts: 38   Replies: 30   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 27nov2017(mo)18:33 No.55386 OP P1

protip:gag her

[IMG] futadoggirls.swf (319.8 KiB)
800x713, Compressed. 5 frames, 25 fps (00:00).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 28nov2017(tu)06:58 No.55401 A P2R1

>gag her

Can't handle a strong woman, weakboi?

>> Anonymous 28nov2017(tu)09:35 No.55403 B P3R2

protip:Don't use protips. Make you sound like an asshole

>> Anonymous 28nov2017(tu)10:07 No.55404 C P4R3

>strong woman
fucking furry with a cock that lies around naked and still wants you to 'ask' before grabbing a tit

nah man gag that

triggered faggot

>> Anonymous 28nov2017(tu)12:48 No.55405 D P5R4

Stop outing yourself in your first post, it makes it obvious that you should just fuck off, faggot.

>strong woman
>fuck her full speed while stroking her dick but you need to ask permission to touch breasts
>you need to ask her permission to touch pussy again after her orgasm
>""""""""""strong woman""""""""""
Nah, try "Schizophrenic cunt" instead.

>> Anonymous 28nov2017(tu)15:39 No.55408 E P6R5

Why are you all referring to this thing as a "she"?

>> Anonymous 28nov2017(tu)16:30 No.55409 D P7R6

She, He, it doesn't really matter when it's furfaggotry. I'm not gonna call it Xir/Zem/Vyraxlafdszof
reyeiear and "It" just causes confusion and looks retarded in this context.

>> Anonymous 28nov2017(tu)22:14 No.55411 F P8R7

not really refering to this flash but i got the feeling this page is somehow dying ._.
also would be curious about the statistics like how many people visited this site since its post or
since yesterday or whatever...

>> Anonymous 29nov2017(we)01:56 No.55412 G P9R8

All pheripheral *chan sites are dying. Oldfags are leaving because goddamn retarded underaged
altright /pol/ faggot sissies ruin everything with their retarded memes.

>> Anonymous 29nov2017(we)13:31 No.55415 D P10R9

>muh ebil gnatzee rayciss universal boogeyman is ruining chans with offensive maymays!
Wanna know how I know that you're metastatic cancer?
Pick one and only one, faggot.

>> Anonymous 29nov2017(we)17:16 No.55420 H P11R10

It is not this site that is's our language. I can't tell if you're trying to communicate
or had a stroke and smashed your head on the keyboard a few times.

>> Anonymous 29nov2017(we)17:44 No.55421 D P12R11

>I can't tell if you're trying to communicate or had a stroke
Stop pretending to be retarded. If you genuinely think anything in my post was hard to understand,
you're just providing further proof that you're a cargo cult nigger.

>> Anonymous 30nov2017(th)04:10 No.55431 I P13R12


>> Anonymous 30nov2017(th)04:16 No.55432 I P14

Autistic cancer is killing off humanity. Soon we will be nothing but a bunch of short brown
retarded inbred goblin-like creatures flinging shit at each other in the crumbling ruins of
society, destined to never again achieve our former greatness until the sun burns out and all life
goes extinct.

>> Anonymous 30nov2017(th)12:12 No.55434 J P15R13

I like video games.

>> Anonymous 30nov2017(th)16:59 No.55435 H P16R14

I think it was you who was pretending to be retarded. You still are, but at least your speech has
improved. Baby steps, you know?

>> Anonymous 30nov2017(th)17:02 No.55436 H P17

What former greatness do you speak of?

>> Anonymous 30nov2017(th)18:46 No.55438 D P18

>NO U!
That's all?

>> Anonymous 1dec2017(fr)02:04 No.55444 K P19R15

The comments section: where angry people go to cry at each other.

(Doesn't matter what site.)

>> Anonymous 2dec2017(sa)01:10 No.55456 L P20

into the trash

>> Anonymous 2dec2017(sa)11:11 No.55464 C P21R16

Make sure you don't accidentally knock your thesaurus off your desk when you tip your fedora,

>> Anonymous 4dec2017(mo)01:58 No.55494 M P22R17

That reads like a tumblrite feminist.
That reads like a desperate nigger in the Youtube comments section trying to get +1's.
Both of you are cancerous faggots and should kill yourselves.

>> Anonymous 4dec2017(mo)06:03 No.55500 J P23R18

Mario is my favourite.

>> Anonymous 4dec2017(mo)21:12 No.55523 N P24R19


You should've been here in the early 2011s. This board was rather dead from the start with the ONLY
frequent uploads being furshit (based torrent-san aside). So this swf is actually oldschool swfchan.
I never understood why or when exactly this site got any popularity at all, but the frequency of
.org sure went 100x at some point.
And if all those kekmasters who bumped threads like beef_curtains.swf
or made entire threads be about patreon faggotry, PP34 whining or the old MUH BLACK DIK, or cum
buttons, all leave, it would be very fine by my standard.

>> Anonymous 5dec2017(tu)16:17 No.55540 H P25R20

This reads like all of the above. What should be the prognosis for you? Darwin award?

>> Anonymous 6dec2017(we)01:22 No.55548 O P26R21

Why are we all fighting why can't we just get along

>> Anonymous 6dec2017(we)12:55 No.55560 P P27R22

spotted the newfag

>> Anonymous 6dec2017(we)15:19 No.55562 Q P28

swfchan: where trolls troll trolls trolling trolls

>> Anonymous 6dec2017(we)21:13 No.55566 F P29R23

wow never thought someone would answer ^^
and this kind of data was what ive been searching for!
seems like its still getting visited quite often (~20000x day)
but i have no idea what it is in comparison to other sites but thx

>> Anonymous 6dec2017(we)21:23 No.55567 K P30R24

This is reality.

Expecting any comments section, at all, to be good... delusional fantasy.

>> Anonymous 6dec2017(we)23:02 No.55569 R P31R25

Unrelated to the flash i have lost my will to live. I have lost contact with the few friends i had.
I know i could make new friends and get my life back on track but i just dont have the energy im
chosing the easy way out. I hope you guys live a good life and are surrounded by people that love
you and care for you. Love you guys

>> Anonymous 6dec2017(we)23:20 No.55571 J P32R26

I like it when mario jumps and the game makes a "boing" sound I think that's a good sound to play
when that happens

>> Anonymous 7dec2017(th)00:03 No.55572 H P33R27

Here's hoping you reconsider.

>> Anonymous 7dec2017(th)00:04 No.55573 H P34

Woops, meant that for you instead, but I guess it's fitting to both.

>> Anonymous 8dec2017(fr)09:36 No.55603 I P35

Friends are for the weak.

>> Anonymous 10dec2017(su)19:28 No.55648 S P36R28

get out of swfchan

>> Anonymous 11dec2017(mo)03:38 No.55662 H P37R29

That's all that's needed.

>> ???? ???? 30dec2017(sa)04:55 No.55881 T P38R30

After reading this. I have no idea what to say. So, fuck it! I'll put a link to a random song from
Created: 27/11 -2017 18:36:20 Last modified: 28/3 -2018 13:09:02 Server time: 10/01 -2025 08:11:22