File: DoctorPixel_v150.swf-(644 KB, 640x480, Game)
[_] Anonymous 08/14/17(Mon)01:37:45 No.3272341
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/17(Mon)03:41:14 No.3272362
Extra strong, just how I like it. Thanks doc!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/17(Mon)05:08:30 No.3272379
Thanks doc! That was the best dose all week!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/17(Mon)06:23:48 No.3272396
I knew it was a dose just from seeing the first picture
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/17(Mon)09:54:50 No.3272421
D-Dose was a b-bit heavy doc, b-b-b-but much appreciated n-none the less