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This is resource NAJZ2QG, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:6/12 -2017 13:15:31

Ended:6/12 -2017 23:50:20

Checked:7/12 -2017 00:43:09

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: A MAGIC TRICK.swf-(4 KB, 550x400, Game)
[_] how many of you can actually watch flashes in a new tab and not embedded? Anonymous
12/06/17(Wed)07:12:53 No.3299370

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)08:43:48 No.3299377

  Watching flashes in embedded is convenient, but when resizing .swfs it's best done in the
  standalone player.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)09:19:04 No.3299382

  Any flash i try and open starts to download instead

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)11:49:24 No.3299393

  >how many of you can actually watch flashes in a new tab and not embedded?
  Everyone who is not completely retarded.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)12:09:35 No.3299395

  don't use chrome or the newest firefox version, it's that simple

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)12:18:57 No.3299399

  "Use ten different instances of several outdated browsers and watch helplessly as every new
  update removes more and more actual utility"
  got it.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)12:22:28 No.3299400

  >viewing flashes

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)12:46:16 No.3299404

  just us an older version of firefox and turn off your autoupdater, problem solved
  from what I've heard a lot of features have been stripped from chrome over the years, not just
  the remove of flash

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)14:23:08 No.3299419

  Waterfox loads flashes in a new tab just fine. Git gud.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)14:25:25 No.3299421

  don't use chrome then.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)14:47:47 No.3299429

  >tfw your only computer is a hand-me-down Chromebook
  Want to know how many programs run in ChromeOS?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)14:54:33 No.3299430

  what about downgrading chrome? Or will the whole OS shut down if it detects non up-to-date
  software and refuses to work unless everything's updated?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)15:07:03 No.3299432

  Honestly as long as embedded links keep working I'm too lazy to try to figure out the shitshow
  that is this operating system. I've already accepted my fate of not being able to run .exe files,
  this is no worse.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)15:44:48 No.3299445


>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)16:42:17 No.3299453

  just use wine

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)17:08:13 No.3299457



>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)17:30:08 No.3299464

  i finally got this to work for the first time ever
  and i didnt even do it the right way kms

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)17:45:48 No.3299473

  Bitch use Vivaldi and get on my level
Created: 6/12 -2017 13:15:31 Last modified: 7/12 -2017 00:43:17 Server time: 22/01 -2025 05:43:45