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This is resource Q59P0FG, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3268034/new-dose Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 41. Discovered flash files: 1
There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files). File: sheepish dose.swf-(3.77 MB, 550x400, Loop) [_] new dose Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)14:30:25 No.3268034 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)14:55:07 No.3268041 i'm getting a strong minus8 vibe out of this. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)15:03:53 No.3268045 This flash is like a sick pleasure I want to see it on flash but at the same time I hate it >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)15:08:09 No.3268046 i want to shag that sheep >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)15:52:25 No.3268055 >>3268046 second >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)15:55:30 No.3268056 >>3268041 mostly because its -8 >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)16:04:15 No.3268058 I really hate this flash, I don't fully know why though >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)16:05:18 No.3268059 >>3268058 maybe because it's being posted way too often? >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)16:06:20 No.3268060 >>3268058 or maybe because it's a furry shit? >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)16:16:16 No.3268063 >>3268046 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNMq8XS4LhE >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)16:37:08 No.3268069 >>3268058 I really like this flash and I know exactly why. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)17:03:59 No.3268076 >>3268063 Wasn't this converted to a swf and posted here a bunch some years back or am I misremembering? >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)17:12:01 No.3268082 >>3268041 The song is from Tomska, but animation is named to be by -8 on youtube >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)17:12:53 No.3268083 >>3268076 >years back its new anon >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)17:21:46 No.3268085 I kind of like it, but at the same time I don't. ┐(´-`)┌ >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)17:53:43 No.3268089 >>3268060 eh, furries are some good artists, it's just how the circle of life goes creatively. blame Walt Disney >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)18:51:43 No.3268102 >>3268089 I wouldn't go that far, a the majorify of furfags are actually quite mediocre artists, mostly producing repetitious and creatively dead works with very little style or substance to them. Though I'll grant you there's more good artists to be found there than in basically any other western drawn porn community, it's mostly because money is thrown by the bushel at even mediocre artists by desperate furfags. I mean average and bland as fuck artists sometimes charge several hundred dollars for a single commission, and they do get paid regularly. Also though I have no proof of it, I hear that a good chunk of furfag artists actually don't even care the fandom, and only do it as a way to earn some dosh on the side, I'm inclined to believe such rumors given how soulless a good chunk of the art produced seems to be. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)20:21:22 No.3268120 >>3268034 No matter how sexy and fuckable those sheeps are, I am not turning into a furry >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)21:10:39 No.3268135 >>3268083 Like six years old man. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)21:14:38 No.3268137 >>3268034 New /f/ sure is doing well for itself >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)21:23:04 No.3268138 >>3268076 the Mandela Effect >>3268135 Your age? This is new. >http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/beep-beep-im-a-sheep >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)21:27:48 No.3268141 >>3268138 Beep beep I'm a sheep has been around for years before this shitty flash. A furry friend of mine would say that shit when she wanted me to rp fucking her sheep self. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)21:35:22 No.3268145 >>3268141 >rp with a furfag OH SHIT NIGGA WHAT ARE YOU DOING? >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)21:41:03 No.3268146 >>3268076 Unless you got involved in some time traveling shit, no. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)21:49:47 No.3268148 Newfags need to stop renaming other shit with "Dose" in the name. I can't wait until summer is fucking over, Jesus Christ. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)21:58:31 No.3268151 >>3268146 >>3268076 http://swfchan.com/29/140767/?lolisheepgirls+in+a+furfag+imagination.swf First seen 2013 you faggots >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:03:41 No.3268153 >>3268148 you're a fucking newfag if you didnt use sage you piece of shit >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:04:59 No.3268154 >>3268151 They're talking about this flash, not the song. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:06:02 No.3268155 >>3268148 >>3268153 Please, both of you, go back to /b/ and never return. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:15:20 No.3268161 >>3268063 why is it named "Thanks, Smokey!"? >> [_] M-non 07/30/17(Sun)22:26:31 No.3268166 1st of all, I'm a furry and even this flash is annoying because of how many times it has been posted, if anything bring back nurse-dose, at least komougi can sing. 2nd of all, unless you are a gay furry joking around with your friends, furfag is really hurtful and offensive, can you guys please stop? It's bad enough being bullied for other reasons let alone being a furry. 3rd of all can we please stop spamming this flash out and you know get something of better quality. Hell I'd rather hear the you are a pirate song on repeat unlike this song. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:28:32 No.3268167 >>3268166 >furfag is really hurtful and offensive >hurtful and offensive >hurtful >offensive top kek lad haven't laughed at a text post on this here board in years >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:38:42 No.3268169 >>3268166 Aww, do you need a Safe Space? >protip: this isn't it. >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:40:33 No.3268170 >minus8 >not porn >still pretty lewd Interesting. >>3268167 >responding to the bait >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:44:06 No.3268172 >>3268170 it made me laff >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:48:13 No.3268175 >>3268151 >being this retarded Not even the same shit, Einstein. >>3268063 >>3268151 >>3268161 It's an American parody of a 2013 Indonesian anti-drug campaign from MIVO.TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiMJmvZGYA4 >themoreyouknow.gif >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:50:20 No.3268177 Enjoyed the Cyriak reference >> [_] Anonymous 07/30/17(Sun)22:52:47 No.3268178 >>3268146 So what is it? >> [_] Anonymous 07/31/17(Mon)00:13:34 No.3268195 Other than Shaun the sheep and Silence of the Lambs, I don't get any of the other references. >> [_] Anonymous 07/31/17(Mon)01:02:17 No.3268203 >>3268195 shaun the sheep parappa the rapper onion bitch from zootopia the little prince judas and jesus cow and chicken idolm@ster cowgirl and katamari damacy prince pokemon sheep That's all I recognized >> [_] Anonymous 07/31/17(Mon)01:22:07 No.3268207 >it's a clearly sheep MGs are furries episode Buncha retards |