/ > /fap/ > Thread 11543
Age: 75.02d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 11 Replies: 10 Files: 1+3
>> Dumper 3jul2017(mo)04:27 No.50885 OP P1
League of Legends (Irelia)
People asked for cum. I give cum. Lots and lots of cum. Unlimited cum.
Original art by Afrobull.
[IMG] League(Irelia).swf (82.1 KiB)
400x290, Compressed. 4 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 3jul2017(mo)05:46 No.50887 A P2R1
best 82 kb ever
if it had sound it would have been
the bestest 82 kb ever ever
>> Anonymous 3jul2017(mo)07:03 No.50888 B P3R2
awesome job my man! shame those little disruptions in the vectors that make up the ass is a bit too
>> Anonymous 3jul2017(mo)16:50 No.50901 C P4R3
and who made the animation ? Afrobull ? great job anyway ! thanks
>> Anonymous 3jul2017(mo)17:06 No.50902 D P5R4
This is pretty good.
>> Dumper 5jul2017(we)14:31 No.50961 OP P6R5
I animated it but Afrobull made the original art. You should check it out, the real thing is
colored and shaded.
>> Anonymous 6jul2017(th)22:54 No.51017 E P7R6
Have you made other animations?
>> Anonymous 7jul2017(fr)14:40 No.51042 OP P8R7
Yeah, I should really put them on a blog.
>> Anonymous 8jul2017(sa)02:55 No.51059 C P9R8
you are very skilled ! and yes i knew the original ^^'
>> Anonymous 8jul2017(sa)17:52 No.51078 B P10R9
If they are all on swfchan you can make a collection with all your stuff
>> Anonymous 9jul2017(su)13:31 No.51122 OP P11R10
I had no idea, I'm looking into it now