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This is resource UKRPNVL, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/10 -2017 07:15:09

Ended:31/1 -2018 07:25:19

Checked:31/1 -2018 07:31:45

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 12214

Age: 90.01d   Health: 0%   Posters: 9   Posts: 11   Replies: 10   Files: 2+3

>> Anonymous 26oct2017(th)06:59 No.54554 OP P1

A commission by shawupp

[IMG] slut maker v3.0.swf (34.28 MiB)
800x684, Compressed. 31 frames, 36 fps (00:01).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 26oct2017(th)07:55 No.54557 A P2R1

>pussy job

>> Nigger Faggot 26oct2017(th)09:58 No.54560 B P3R2

34 mb full of disappointment, even >1mb flashes has more interactivity than this mess.

>> Anonymous 27oct2017(fr)04:32 No.54568 C P4R3

how the fuck is this 34 mb and this is v 3.0? holy shit...

>> Anonymous 27oct2017(fr)12:09 No.54571 D P5R4

It's all uncompressed .png, isn't it

>> Anonymous 4dec2017(mo)09:47 No.55503 E P6R5


I hope whoever commissioned this got their money back

>> Anonymous 4dec2017(mo)12:06 No.55504 F P7R6

Fucking terrible.

>> Anonymous 4dec2017(mo)12:21 No.55505 G P8R7

shut up you nigger faggot you're an inferior race and an abomination in the eyes of allah
allahwite powakbar!

...I should start a movement out of this. Call it "Alt R-shia-ght". Make a youtube channel and then
mostly just yell at feminists when they say stupid shit on tumblr, even if it's completely
irrelevant. ez moni.

We live in interesting times.

>> Anonymous 5dec2017(tu)04:58 No.55534 F P9R8



>> Anonymous 5dec2017(tu)08:32 No.55537 G P10R9

Dude, c'mon, why you gotta do it to a pig? pig didn't do shit to you, pig is the good guys. Look, I
get it, you hate islam and they hate pigs (which is really silly when you think about it, just
arbitrary hatred for a type of animal), so you put that book that they like in a dead pig's mouth,
and you needed to kill the pig because live pigs don't like having books in their mouth and spit
them out, but that's no good excuse to kill a good pig.

>> Anonymous 5dec2017(tu)10:59 No.55538 H P11R10

her face looks more like frieza than widowmaker

Created: 26/10 -2017 07:15:09 Last modified: 31/1 -2018 07:32:27 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:57:15