/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2596 · P5191 |
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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 32. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 11797 Age: 139.56d Health: 0% Posters: 27 Posts: 32 Replies: 30 Files: 1+2 >> Anonymous 8aug2017(tu)17:45 No.52325 OP P1 Thousand Lolis In this song, the song writer is trying to fight for the acceptance of lolicon culture. Happy fapping and smiling :D [IMG] Lolicon.swf (568.8 KiB) 600x400, Compressed. 10 frames, 12 fps (00:01). Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No. Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive] >> Anonymous 8aug2017(tu)18:44 No.52328 A P2R1 Source? >> Anonymous 8aug2017(tu)21:03 No.52333 B P3R2 >>52325 That song is basically just advocating pedophilia. >> Anonymous 8aug2017(tu)21:20 No.52334 C P4R3 you're all on a list >> Anonymous 8aug2017(tu)21:39 No.52335 D P5R4 >>52334 >using the internet >not being on a list Pick one and only one faggot. >> Anonymous 9aug2017(we)16:26 No.52350 E P6R5 we're supposed to be understanding about the mental illness that gays have but condemning about the one had by people attracted to young and healthy bodies? we're supposed to be understanding about the mental illness that crossdressers have but condemning about the one had by people liking innocent and playful behaviour? >> Anonymous 9aug2017(we)18:43 No.52351 F P7R6 >>52350 What kind of mentally challenged loser makes comments like that on a site like this >> Anonymous 9aug2017(we)19:37 No.52352 G P8R7 next time use porn that doesn't blow >> Anonymous 9aug2017(we)20:17 No.52353 H P9R8 >>52350 >Doing a thing I don't like >Mental Illness kek >> Anonymous 10aug2017(th)00:24 No.52356 I P10R9 >>52350 Pedophiles have desires that are hurtful towards the partner they're getting off to. This is since children don't have a sex drive and don't much know what they're getting into. This makes pedos, in contrary to gays, potentially a threat. >> Anonymous 10aug2017(th)06:04 No.52363 G P11R10 >>52356 I'm gonna hurt and abuse several drawings and there's nothing you can do about it. >> Anonymous 11aug2017(fr)19:28 No.52409 J P12R11 >>52356 Meanwhile Gays are spreading very real and deadly diseases with their partners, sometimes with advance knowledge, and also engaging in very real deviant behavior with underage peoples. >> Anonymous 11aug2017(fr)19:53 No.52411 K P13R12 >>52409 Despite the constant attempts to link them, there's no connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. Just because some Catholic priests are both doesn't make them related. >> Anonymous 12aug2017(sa)00:30 No.52415 L P14R13 P E D O S E D O S >> Anonymous 13aug2017(su)16:25 No.52453 M P15R14 That's not a thousand lolis. That's one loli fucked until the end of the world. >> Anonymous 13aug2017(su)19:02 No.52459 N P16R15 >>52453 I am the b& of my IP. Fapping is my body, and cum is my blood. So, I post, UNLIMITED LOLI WORKS. >> Anonymous 15aug2017(tu)02:14 No.52496 O P17R16 >muh rehashed drama Fucking dramafaggots. Source is: Guesswho >> Anonymous 15aug2017(tu)12:07 No.52507 D P18R17 >>52496 Thank you for contributing to the dramafaggot club, dramafaggot. >> Anonymous 15aug2017(tu)17:38 No.52515 P P19R18 >>52409 Are you from uganda by any chance? Iddapupu? >> Anonymous 15aug2017(tu)17:54 No.52516 Q P20R19 Source of the animation? >> Anonymous 18aug2017(fr)19:47 No.52571 R P21R20 >>52409 lol dude somebody will deflect you if you try to say that cause the spreading of ' very real and deadly diseases' goes both ways straights are not immune to sexual disease any more than the fucking fags >> Anonymous 2sep2017(sa)06:16 No.52957 S P22R21 >>52571 >In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. >Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men. >While anyone can become infected with an STD, certain groups, including young people and gay and bisexual men, are at greatest risk. Plus the graph on page 2 >> Anonymous 2sep2017(sa)14:21 No.52973 T P23R22 >>52957 Because of you, now I keep getting gay ads. Way to go dumbass. >> Anonymous 2sep2017(sa)14:24 No.52974 P P24R23 >>52973 At least you're not getting gay aids. >> johndoe314 5sep2017(tu)01:29 No.53030 U P25R24 >>52496 Hrm. Tried googling and looking up on ibsearch/rule 34 search, no results. Link to artist page? >> Anonymous 6sep2017(we)23:52 No.53072 J P26R25 >>52571 Sorry, but last time I checked, it wasn't the heterosexuals who had groups devoted to being purposefully infected with HIV and crap. But whatever makes you feel better I suppose. >> Anonymous 7sep2017(th)00:02 No.53073 G P27R26 >>52973 How does that work, do you use some sort of ad-infested Chinese browser? >> Anonymous 7sep2017(th)06:45 No.53082 V P28R27 you guys are sick >> Anonymous 9sep2017(sa)23:32 No.53159 W P29 >>52957 Thank you, this is actually very useful. >> Anonymous 3nov2017(fr)06:45 No.54760 X P30R28 >>52411 >No connection Why does the original charter for gay rights call for the abolition of age of consent? >> Anonymous 4nov2017(sa)05:20 No.54790 Y P31R29 >>54760 Funny how there's so much pissing and moaning going on about a document which I can't seem to find under all the pissing and moaning... >> mr. meeseeks 8nov2017(we)02:09 No.54867 Z P32R30 This 3D animation actually sickens me. It’s like I’m watching one pack of meat putting a sausage into another pack of meat. If they were less glossy and maybe a bit more human like, ok, sure, I’d be fine with it. But this just seems too glossy. |