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This is resource WW0LHQ4, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/8 -2017 06:43:24

Ended:19/8 -2017 16:59:58

Checked:19/8 -2017 20:57:34

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Great The Show 13 - My Aesthetic.swf-(9.81 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Only HQ Rips Rowen frazer is a fag 08/19/17(Sat)00:38:46 No.3273861

  Fuck the Molyneux posters.
  youtube rips like that are shit. I know all youtube rips are shit but at least keep it quality
  from persons who still use retrofitted flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)00:51:48 No.3273867

  >retrofitted flash

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)00:57:47 No.3273870

  >retrofitted flash.
  I wish this made sense, it almost sounds coherent.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)00:59:10 No.3273871

  This is fucking godawful garbage, please don't ever post this shit heap on this board again,
  thank you

>> [_] Rowen frazer is a fag 08/19/17(Sat)01:03:19 No.3273872

  bitch this is 13 episodes in

  they use flash 8 and combine it with AE to my knowledge

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)01:10:16 No.3273873

  well it's not like the flash tools expire or something
  people can and do use older flash versions, nch purportedly still uses macromedia flash which was
  released circa 2005
  the problem was that flash player would update so backwards comparability could be an issue
  depending on what you are making it in

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)01:16:55 No.3273874

  I would rather take the low quality molyjew over whatever this is.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)02:40:00 No.3273881

  I like The aesthetic cat and bird, everything else is fucking garbage. I really hope this isn't
  actually the next Great the show bit, I like thier other episodes. This one should be scraped
  however, fore it is super low Qual.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)02:59:22 No.3273883

  It is, although it is missing a transition.
  season 2 has been shit.
  not worth the hhd space.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)06:52:17 No.3273910

  Women are not funny.

  The only people who say women are funny are other women, their father, and dudes who want to fuck

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)08:12:08 No.3273919

  Whoopi Goldberg is funny and I'm neither her dad nor do I want to fuck her.

  It was really hard to think of a woman comedian and google was of no help either

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)09:58:22 No.3273933

  >bitch this is 13 episodes in
  And? Don't EVER post this shit on /f/ ever again, you dumb piece of shit namefag.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)10:47:38 No.3273944

  >they use flash 8 and combine it with AE to my knowledge
  So Anon is confusing 'retrofit' for 'retrograde'.
  Well, it's still shit.

  ...until the Next Great Version of your lousy OS deprecates some part that is required to run
  your application.
  I have nearly a TB of legacy applications that won't run on current tech.
  It's only a matter of time, m8.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/17(Sat)10:54:39 No.3273947

  nobody have to change from windows 7 either and if enough people stay companies that makes games
  etc won't say no thanks to all their money
Created: 19/8 -2017 06:43:24 Last modified: 19/8 -2017 20:57:47 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:11:34