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This is resource XFCKC7L, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:18/10 -2017 03:14:42

Ended:18/10 -2017 10:26:42

Checked:18/10 -2017 21:11:45

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: illegal broadcast.swf-(2.49 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] gravelord 10/17/17(Tue)21:10:55 No.3288326

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/17(Tue)21:50:07 No.3288331

  Kind of liked it better without the gun to be desu

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/17(Tue)21:58:53 No.3288335

  you tripped my wife

>> [_] gravelord 10/17/17(Tue)22:03:19 No.3288337

  Nothing is more convincing than a smoking gun
  or pussy, two deadliest things on Earth

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/17(Tue)22:23:55 No.3288341

  I guess I see what you're going for
  Watching the ejected brass get cut off triggers my autism but you can't really fix that, and I
  think the binary that appears over it could be a little more subtle. Syncing the gun firing with
  the audio would be pretty cool too.
  The cut where you looped the audio is pretty apparent
  Just (drunk) constructive criticism

>> [_] gravelord 10/17/17(Tue)22:26:55 No.3288344

  I'll get on it cap

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/17(Tue)22:44:09 No.3288347

  Never saw a smoking pussy, but it sounds hot.
  Way too hot...

>> [_] PADL 10/17/17(Tue)23:01:50 No.3288348

  Been enjoying your stuff, good shit man.

>> [_] gravelord 10/17/17(Tue)23:21:19 No.3288356

  glad to have ya for the ride

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/17(Wed)00:06:19 No.3288365

  What's going on big guy?

>> [_] gravelord 10/18/17(Wed)00:18:48 No.3288370

  She's got an associates degree, I know you think she's just a hot lil package. But, she's

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/17(Wed)02:21:28 No.3288407

  >[1945]corporations paid 50% of federal taxes. It's now about 5%
  Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/17(Wed)02:47:58 No.3288420

  Deus Ex

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/17(Wed)03:37:10 No.3288425

  nice flash
  right up my alley

  it is true though, those statistics, and our slow slide towards a centralized unAmerican big gov
  tyranny started all the way back during the civil war of northern aggression

  anyway on a side note before I get on some dumb rant I hope OP has played DX because its a
  timeless classic

>> [_] gravelord 10/18/17(Wed)03:41:58 No.3288427

  What if I told you I was that anon

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/17(Wed)03:42:31 No.3288428

  That's terror. Terror built into the system.
  And yeah, I'm pretty sure he's played Deus Ex, especially considering he put three quotes from
  the dialogue with Leo right next to each other.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/17(Wed)04:23:16 No.3288432

Created: 18/10 -2017 03:14:42 Last modified: 18/10 -2017 21:12:11 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:08:26