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This is resource XGRU4PW, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/11 -2017 04:26:25

Ended:22/11 -2017 20:01:33

Checked:22/11 -2017 20:41:55

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Roshambo.swf-(303 KB, 800x600, Game)
[_] Anonymous 11/21/17(Tue)22:23:06 No.3296376

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/17(Tue)23:57:57 No.3296399

  >destroyed right
  don't even have balls and I still felt that, damn

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/17(Wed)00:29:02 No.3296408

  I recognize these characters, are these made by a specific person?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/17(Wed)00:32:02 No.3296410

  This game sucks, whenever I win I get fast as fuck sliders and whenever I lose it goes slow for
  the computer

  And the computer hits a perfect on the kick placement a bit too many times

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/17(Wed)01:28:17 No.3296424


  you're just bad at it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/17(Wed)02:12:51 No.3296437

  I know your feel, I used to be bad too, but got better with practice.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/17(Wed)02:42:59 No.3296444

  slider speed depends on how much damage you've taken

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/17(Wed)03:22:30 No.3296455

  You kinda have to predict what the computer will do.
  Whether or not the computer misses the sliders is random and it will hit you most of the time.
  Not gonna say the computer doesnt cheat sometimes, though. One time the opponent got up with a
  broken nut and almost killed me.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/17(Wed)04:55:03 No.3296465

  Game's fun and easy. Not sure why people are having such a hard time with it desu

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/17(Wed)05:52:56 No.3296483

  broke the guys right nut , but im curious whats the sauce on this hard weird little game

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/17(Wed)13:59:28 No.3296560

  It's by a guy called Maskopatol who does a lot of this sort of thing.
Created: 22/11 -2017 04:26:25 Last modified: 22/11 -2017 20:41:57 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:53:31