/ > /fap/ > Thread 11624
Age: 131.5d Health: 0% Posters: 31 Posts: 54 Replies: 46 Files: 2+3
>> Anonymous 17jul2017(mo)19:29 No.51374 OP P1
I think this is the finished product.
Creambee - SamusSpaceBeach v3.0.swf (1.24 MiB)
960x960, Compressed. 32 frames, 30 fps (00:01).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 17jul2017(mo)21:08 No.51379 A P2R1
stolen sounds from hentai key girl 5
>> Anonymous 18jul2017(tu)00:35 No.51390 B P3R2
this is actually not bad
>> Anonymous 18jul2017(tu)08:33 No.51404 OP P4R3
At least they're decent stolen sounds then, I guess. I think I'd rather the sounds be stolen and
decent than so fucking shitty that I need to mute it.
>> Anonymous 18jul2017(tu)08:55 No.51407 C P5R4
I've watched enough hentai to know those are probably stolen too, most likely from a bunch of
>> Anonymous 18jul2017(tu)12:49 No.51411 D P6R5
it's pretty okay, the sounds are honestly kind of irritating, assuming that they're from
different sources ;p
>> Anonymous 18jul2017(tu)13:49 No.51415 E P7R6
>> Anonymous 18jul2017(tu)15:21 No.51416 F P8R7
It's not Creambee posting this shit you fucking autist.
>> Anonymous 18jul2017(tu)18:47 No.51419 G P9R8
Who the actual fuck do you think you are?
>> Anonymous 18jul2017(tu)23:44 No.51443 H P10R9
Don't pay them no mind Creambee, free porn is free porn. Keep your artistic integrities out of
my fap.
>> Anonymous 19jul2017(we)00:27 No.51451 B P11R10
ayyyyyy looks like some special snowflake getting butthurt
>> Anonymous 19jul2017(we)04:58 No.51463 I P12R11
No one's forcing you to masturbate or not. The bored moves so slowly, who the hell cares
>> Anonymous 19jul2017(we)09:33 No.51478 J P13R12
x2 tit animation is really weird
>> Anonymous 20jul2017(th)01:54 No.51506 K P14R13
The sound aren't really my thing but honestly, other than that it's actually pretty decent imho,
especially considering the other cancer that's uploaded here. Keep up the work Creambee. b
>> Anonymous 20jul2017(th)14:43 No.51533 E P15R14
Now that I calmed down, I think I may have been too harsh. Sorry for using all caps but I was
really pissed. I still am tbh. but you're being peachy pop levels of annoying. Also stop
samefagging, it doesn't make you look good. I'm not autistic bet, so fuck off with that.
>> Anonymous 20jul2017(th)16:13 No.51535 OP P16R15
Nigger, I'm not fucking Creambee, I just like posting paywall content here so no one else has to
pay for it.
>> Anonymous 22jul2017(sa)06:29 No.51606 L P17R16
You know what you should do as an apology? Subscribe to his Patreon.
>> Anonymous 22jul2017(sa)08:09 No.51607 M P18R17
>Charging money to view content that is copyrighted by another company.
We should inform nintendo. If we're lucky, we could get a class action lawsuit against patreon
for charging for all the various r34 copyrighted material.
>> Anonymous 22jul2017(sa)14:47 No.51621 E P19R18
Dont call me nigger. I know you all like to joke about that word but im actually 1/4 black. yeah
ok i semi-believe you but the other anons are 100% creambee...
...like this guy. fuck off
>> Anonymous 25jul2017(tu)19:56 No.51731 N P20R19
>Claim to be 1/4 black,get sensitive being called a nigger
Nigga if you don't get the fuck out of here you 3/4 bitch
No one should complain for good work
>> sage 25jul2017(tu)20:36 No.51737 O P21R20
>Dont call me nigger. I know you all like to joke about that word but im actually 1/4 black.
You can't take these 10-year-old trolls seriously. They don't know the impact of the words
they're using, and they feel safe and disconnected through the anonymous name. Either that or
they're true racists, and in that case their opinion doesn't mean anything.
>> Anonymous 25jul2017(tu)23:43 No.51762 K P22R21
Bruh, just because you can't deal with other peoples opinions on a flash game on the internet,
there's no need to be all salty about it. Going on and about to assume everyone is one and the
same person just because they don't agree with your opinion won't help. #justsayan
P.S.: this is a flash sub-board of swfchan, nobody gives a fuck if you're black or not
especially if you go anon. If you're really taking it personally then your body isn't ready for
the internet
>> Anonymous 26jul2017(we)00:50 No.51763 P P23R22
this is ok 6-7/10 thx for free content
>> Anonymous 26jul2017(we)14:46 No.51784 Q P24R23
thanks op this is great
>> Anonymous 26jul2017(we)15:54 No.51785 R P25R24
Bitch I'm fuckin 1/1 black.
You're in the wrong goddamn place if being called a nigger by a random faceless person bothers
But that happens sometimes. You've got balls for coming back and apologizing, even if you didn't
have to. Not like anyone would even know you were that person.
>> Anonymous 26jul2017(we)21:51 No.51798 OP P26R25
No one cares about your fragile ego on an anonymous flash site. Get over yourself, faggot.
>> Anonymous 26jul2017(we)21:54 No.51799 OP P27
I'm not even racist, I just do it because it gets a rise out of prissy cunts like yourself. "Oh
no, a stranger on the internet said a bad word." yeah so fucking what? Fuck off.
>> Anonymous 28jul2017(fr)15:30 No.51844 E P28R26
lmao, everyone took the bait. who's laughing now?
>> Anonymous 28jul2017(fr)16:15 No.51845 S P29
We got him. Job well done, you can wrap up now boys.
>> Anonymous 28jul2017(fr)21:03 No.51849 T P30R27
how to spot a newfags ladies and gents
>> Anonymous 28jul2017(fr)21:06 No.51850 T P31
>Apologizing in fchan
>fakebaiting to pretend he's winning
What happened to this site.
>> Anonymous 28jul2017(fr)21:42 No.51852 U P32R28
If youre getting pissed over something like this you need a new hobby my friend
>> Anonymous 30jul2017(su)23:35 No.51971 V P33R29
What do you think his hobby is?
>> Anonymous 30jul2017(su)23:50 No.51974 W P34R30
When is your book on advanced trolling coming out because this is some decently levelled shit
right here. All caps posting while later saying you've calmed down and apologizing, then acting
upset over the word nigger because you're "25% black". I lost my shit.
Admitting it a little too soon though.
>> Anonymous 1aug2017(tu)14:09 No.52031 E P35R31
You can all claim I'm "fakebaiting" but the simple fact is, you're all salty that you were
outsmarted by an African-American. Oh sorry, I mean "Nigga"
Eat shit you inferior, moronic cucks.
>> Anonymous 2aug2017(we)11:18 No.52073 X P36R32
outsmarted? nigga stfu. you won nothing. you pathetic piece of useless shit. you're on your fat
useles ass, prolly pants halfway down with your gross cock hanging out, semi-hard, trolling on
your sticky keyboard. tf are you proud of?
>> Anonymous 2aug2017(we)12:47 No.52078 E P37R33
I agree, ignore these jealous faggots. Their just immature
>> Anonymous 2aug2017(we)14:16 No.52082 S P38
>samefagging like a nigger.
Sure showed us faggot.
>> Anonymous 3aug2017(th)00:43 No.52100 Y P39R34
God i love pizza.
>> Anonymous 3aug2017(th)18:39 No.52135 Z P40R35
>> Anonymous 7aug2017(mo)04:06 No.52281 N P41R36
>Claim to be black but only 1/4
>Think he baited people
Never go this full retard.
Plz hold this L XD
>> Anonymous 7aug2017(mo)07:20 No.52286 AA P42R37
>Takes forever to add tentacles
>They're just a static prop
>> Anonymous 8aug2017(tu)04:11 No.52310 W P43R38
i never got how "African-American" can be the politically correct thing to say. im not from US
but it sounds like the most racist thing you could ever say, it's like going "you who are not a
real american". i mean these people have nothing to do with africa at all, don't know the
language nor the culture, probably dont have any family there either, yet you label them like
that -- purely based on their race.
>> Anonymous 8aug2017(tu)07:24 No.52314 AB P44R39
Well thats America for ya. Founded by greedy Europeans who took everything from the natives and
took advantage of the illiterate population by tricking them into believing they can take
advantage of certain groups of people because of their race.
>> Anonymous 8aug2017(tu)07:53 No.52315 F P45R40
Well this thread is a shitshow.
>> Anonymous 13aug2017(su)16:48 No.52454 E P46R41
no proof. fuck off with these baseless claims
still better than "nigga" i can't believe i have to explain this to you
>> Anonymous 13aug2017(su)16:49 No.52455 E P47
and i'm not mad. no reply needed. you're all inferior cucks
>> Anonymous 13aug2017(su)17:33 No.52456 S P48
>no proof. fuck off with these baseless claims
Just fuck off, nigger.
>> Anonymous 13aug2017(su)18:53 No.52457 Z P49R42
Do you even know why there is an "E" after every post you make? At least change your IP
inbetween baiting.
>> Anonymous 14aug2017(mo)23:01 No.52493 E P50R43
Fuck you guys! You're a bunch of racist twats. I am done here. Good day.
>> Anonymous 15aug2017(tu)12:05 No.52506 S P51
Piss off, nigger.
>> Anonymous 24aug2017(th)07:58 No.52716 AC P52R44
If you click the mushrooms near the the base of the tree toward the left of the screen it gives
Samus a penis.
>> Anonymous 25aug2017(fr)06:33 No.52750 AD P53R45
Shut the fuck up, you, spear chucking jungle bunny.
>> Anonymous 31aug2017(th)15:52 No.52912 Z P54R46
Stop niggerposting with attachments, if you want to avert a ban, anon.