File: Lion.swf-(948 KB, 426x240, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)00:00:58 No.3290948
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)00:27:05 No.3290954
idiot anglos started WW2 and gave our future to the jews
>> [_] Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)06:53:23 No.3291002
Antifa in a nutshell
>> [_] Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)07:19:54 No.3291006
Only a cuck likes this, all Allies can burn in hell for selling this world to a dark future run
by jewish malice.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)10:05:17 No.3291030
I think this guy got the point
You guys didn't
>> [_] Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)10:18:55 No.3291031
we picked the wrong side boys...