File: valley.swf-(10 MB, 1536x864, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)00:18:50 No.3275057
flash is doing just fine and Adobe announced a partnership last month with Google to establish a
flash-only section on YouTube. 5% of the ad revenue to Adobe, 5% to Google, 90% to the
stage3D for flash games is also working better than ever right out of the box in all major
browsers. new version with increased performance expected next week.
go back to sleep Yotsuba
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)00:43:32 No.3275064
wtf is this bull crap
proof. now.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)05:16:24 No.3275102
j-just you wait, you'll see
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)05:24:40 No.3275103
>5% / 5% / 90%
LOL, obvious troll is obvious.
A more likely story is that aliens landed andd are handing out free gold and anti-aging potions.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)06:47:00 No.3275109
google takes 49% on adsense, no way would they only take a measly 5% of the profits
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)07:50:26 No.3275117
I like the flash
celebrating life and nature
celebrating childhood and adulthood
>you were once an innocent kid who thought everything was special and unique in nature/life
>you're now an adult who knows you'll be an anonymous person in the grand story of life/nature.
>together you both relate to the beauty of the world