File: RonPaulsEconomicPlan.swf-(1.15 MB, 640x478, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)16:23:28 No.3261250
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)16:32:15 No.3261251
the gold standard was a good thing though as was having a smaller federal government that wasn't
laden with debt as was not having an income tax
bring back the gold standard, close down the stock markets and the fed
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)16:50:21 No.3261254
>bring back the gold standard, close down the stock markets and the fed
Anyone with any real economic sense recognizes that reputation is the true underlying factor that
all money is based on.
Using gold as a substance for currency is ultimately as arbitrary as any physical or immaterial
currency, but with the added consequence of monopolizing a genuinely useful metal with useful
properties and inflating the value in a world that is exponentially growing in worth.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)17:03:10 No.3261258
yes, yes, inflation is normal, debt is good
naive fool
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)17:15:43 No.3261260
>inflation is normal, debt is good
And you are completely right on both accounts.
>naive fool
Not an argument.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)17:29:09 No.3261264
I just can't wait until we deplete the last oil deposit
wait, actually how long 'til that happens? 50 more fucking years?
well shit, I remember a teacher once told us it's gonna last for only next 20 or so years but
that was in the 90s lol
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)17:34:16 No.3261265
yes yes
everything is awesome
dow to 40 million
fiscal restraint is for fools
debt never has to be paid
money can be printed out of thin air
fractional banking is good
up is down
panties are for men
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)17:44:25 No.3261267
Not an argument, let alone coherent.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)17:56:19 No.3261270
you are blinded by belief
I forgive you son
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)17:57:40 No.3261272
>you are blinded by belief
You are but in a different direction.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)20:14:55 No.3261287
>Anyone with any real economic sense recognizes that reputation is the true underlying factor
that all money is based on
So the US/West has another decade or so tops before total deflation.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)20:22:22 No.3261288
>So the US/West has another decade or so tops before total deflation.
I get that you're trying to be clever, but you come across as an idiot if anything.
The US has a vast wealth of untapped resources at its disposal, it controls the vast majority of
the internet, and has an indomitable foothold in space. Your gay little fantasy is not going to
come true.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)22:03:21 No.3261304
Anon, if you treat everyone except you like they were a troll, this website becomes infinitely
less infuriating
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/17(Tue)22:16:34 No.3261306
thanks for the advice ((bud
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/17(Wed)01:02:46 No.3261338
>In Crazy Old Man/Hobo Voice
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/17(Wed)02:17:41 No.3261361
>Anyone with any real economic sense recognizes
...that currency represents THE ABILITY TO DO WORK.
THAT is what "money" is, it's a marker, a token that represents the ability to do work, to
contribute to the common welfare.
You wouldn't know this though, taking your college courses in Keynesian Economics.
Keynes was a globalist. Keynes was a shill for the Utopia.
Think hard on it; all currency is not about reputation, but about service. No one person can do
all aspects of Necessity, therefore a token is needed to trade among those who perform
specialized services, such that all are served their necessities.
Gold standard IS arbitrary, but as such, a universally accepted token, inasmuch as the difficulty
in obtaining such represents a specialized service.
Fuck, how can people be so dim as not to understand this?
Oh, riiight. THAT.
Carry on.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/17(Wed)02:23:53 No.3261362
>...that currency represents THE ABILITY TO DO WORK.
The point completely sailed over your head.
Bartering can exist with or without currency.
Currency, however, can only be established so long as the people backing it can maintain a
reputation. This is the same reason why a confederate dollar is completely worthless, because the
organization that established and supported it lost viability.
You're so focused on the individual transactions that you've lost sight of how the encompassing
system is established.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/17(Wed)02:30:08 No.3261363
If you treat everyone like a troll, then you lose the actual fun that's available.
Bait is effective for a reason, because smacking down idiots is satisfying. Distinguishing
beating bait and substance is part of the game and you're missing out.