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This is resource ZOONZO2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/8 -2017 01:06:19

Ended:8/8 -2017 10:23:08

Checked:8/8 -2017 11:27:36

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Wrath of the Awakened Saxon.swf-(6.03 MB, 320x240, Loop)
[_] Wrath of Awakened Saxon Awakened Saxon 08/07/17(Mon)19:01:26 No.3270404

  The wrath of the awakened Saxon.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/07/17(Mon)19:07:59 No.3270407

  C U L T

>> [_] John Moses Browning 08/07/17(Mon)19:10:58 No.3270410

  Foreign menace struggles to accept superior German culture

>> [_] Awakened Saxon 08/07/17(Mon)19:17:52 No.3270412


  No more of a cult than how liberals drink the poisonous Kool-Aid from their beloved Main Stream

  Good cultures are worth protecting. Borders are not racist. Liberalism = (mostly)mental disease.
  I can agree with a little of it though (like the war on pot = completely fucking retarded).

  Another fact liberals don't like admitting - Trump is a highly liberal man (compared to most
  others with the same view points). Putting someone like that in as a republican was the only way
  the conservatives could have won. If the voting maps showed the color purple for all of the
  middle of the road democrats who voted for Trump - the Hillary voters would have know the blade
  of betrayal which twisted into them.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/07/17(Mon)20:56:14 No.3270430

  awake my masters

>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/17(Tue)01:36:33 No.3270535


>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/17(Tue)02:55:36 No.3270552

  whites are going to go extinct. you can fight it though you will lose all the same. there was a
  point in which it could've gone differently but that passed. your enemy is too entrenched, too
  numerous, and too integrated into important systems. it's a shame, but you're fucked.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/17(Tue)02:58:42 No.3270553

  Considering Hillary is in no real way a progressive either, I'm not horrendously surprised.
  The 2016 election was about everybody being fed up with the powers that be.
  Republicans crumbling so hard they had to abandon their own picks and back a dark horse just to
  retain cohesion, while Hillary beat Sanders only by pulling literally every string she could to
  bribe the party to choose her despite marked public disapproval, her only strategy for winning
  the finals being "well he's worse! Any vote not for me is voting him in instead!"
  The democrats now splitting for running headlong into the mistake the republicans narrowly

  But hey, while both Sanders and Trump talked of swamp draining, lobbyist crippling (especially
  overturning Citizens United), and removal of superpacs, Sanders had a >0% chance of actually
  trying it, so I guess the Democrats were under a lot more pressure to keep him quashed than the
  Republicans were for Trump. Can't have somebody ruining your system of legalized corruption and
  returning power to voters now can we? Voters need to remain good little obedient ignorant
  reelectors, while you follow every word that drips from your real constituent, that is to say
  funder,'s mouth.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/17(Tue)04:21:50 No.3270570

  by what metric?

  Wey're doing fine. The entire 1st world is having less children, which, sure, is predominantly
  white, but it's part of a long, historical pattern of what civilizations do after having a major
  life expectancy boom, and visible in many second world countries even now as they transition to

  You start like rodents, high birth to cancel high death, you get decent medicine and nutrition
  death drops so you see a population boom, birth slows to meet new death rate, now you're

  In fact, there isn't a single region that hasn't been on the decline since the 1980s, when
  Sub-Saharan Africa finally joined in, the only region still above 3-child average. Following a
  line of best fit, all things staying equal, I'd say they'll catch up to the firstworld steady 1.5
  children per couple in about 60 years. If they start rapidly advancing to where the rest of us
  are, better quality of life, less malaria and wars, expect it even sooner.

  The middle east was dropping like a rock: lost 3 whole children in 20 years, before screeching to
  a halt in 2001. I figure if Murica ever leaves the middle east they'll go back to dropping just
  as fast (see reason below).
  Latin America's barely above 2 now. They'll be at 1.5 within a couple decades.
  South Asia same rate as Latin but started later, so add another decade and a half.
  East Asia is already on par with us.

  The only countries, no regions mind you, individual countries with any kind of upswing or even
  deceleration (for instance, Timor-Leste) are ones in which wars were occurring or recently ended,
  with decline resuming *immediately* the moment peace returned.

  As you might imagine then, global population growth has been rapidly decelerating since the
  1960s, extended projections don't expect us to ever break 12M, coming just shy about 2100 before
  population starts to drop.

  You having nothing to worry about Klan member. Go to bed resting easy.
Created: 8/8 -2017 01:06:19 Last modified: 8/8 -2017 11:27:47 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:40:08