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Threads (11):
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] Anon 3472214
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] Anon 3279643 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3279675 The powers that be will fail. >> [_] Anon 3279677 da goatz >> [_] Anon 3279734 SOURCE? >> [_] Anon 3279738 >># Beautiful flash m8
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] This presidential term is getting fuckin lit Anon 3273085 >> [_] Anon 3273095 >># Urban MOving SyStems IncorporAteD. It's in the CIA database, all public information. >> [_] Anon 3273118 >># >># >>>/pol/
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] >normies just ignore stuff like this because of peer pressure and jewish distraction Anon 3267722 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3267764 >filename made to make fun of theorists >OP is a conspiracy theorist as well retard fag >> [_] Anon 3267823 >># Care to dispute any of the claims or are you just here to waste my time? >> [_] Anon 3267838 >children_this_is_bait.jpg
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] Anon 3243501 Do not be mistaken, they want to slowly phase out /f/. Watch this shit happening again a year from now on. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3243503 >># That's fine. We should update to /html5/ anyways. Flash has security vulnerabilities, larger file size, and less functionality, not to mention is being phased out by browsers themselves which is why it's such a pain to get them to run on chrome, requiring you disable like 9 security protocols. >> [_] Anon 3243507 >># May as well, with all the dumb faggots posting youtube rips this place is becoming /wsg/. >> [_] Anon 3243508 >on 9/11 some really crazy stuff happened >crazy stuff never happens, therefore it's fake >here's my even crazier version >sounds crazy, uh? perhaps because it's real give this man a nobel prize >> [_] Anon 3243559 >># >chrome >> [_] Anon 3243567 wtf, now i KNOW jet fuel cant melt steel beams. >> [_] Anon 3243570 >># but they can make them weaker >> [_] Anon 3243578 >Maybe if I speak like a smarmy asshole, and act like I know more than I'm letting on, maybe I'll seem less crazy coo-coo in the coconut. >> [_] Anon 3243580 >># That boy indeed needs therapy >> [_] Anon 3243581 >># Psychosomatic >> [_] Anon 3243584 >># Lie down on the couch >> [_] :v 3243586 >># What does that mean? >> [_] NoHands 3243589 >># ...You're a nut >> [_] :v 3243595 >># you're crazy in the coconut! >> [_] Anon 3243600 >># >># His point is that people who question something with a lot of loose ends should be considered complete nuts. But the thing about that, is that they aren't. I'm pretty certain it's not that rare to question it, and that most people don't have that bad an opinion of those who do. >> [_] Bugs 3243627 >># Ehhh, what's up, Doc?
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] Anon 3146794
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] Anon 3138153 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3138210 This is interesting if any of it is true, though I doubt it >> [_] Anon 3138211 3 buildings with 2 planes? I thought it was 4 planes and one crashed in a field in PA or something >> [_] Anon 3138212 >># Yeah one of my Professors was friends with Todd Beamer >> [_] Anon 3138215 Yeah, and you can still get pregnant from swallowing. >> [_] Anon 3138273 >># I mean there's no doubt that the government is full of shit but bin Laden was a son of billionaire and graduate of economic university so money source should be obvious. Also I don't think it's that hard to hide from the US military being a skilled soldier living on different continent. >> [_] Anon 3138305 Let's say, hypothetically, you're Dick Cheney, and you wanna start a war in Iraq and, simultaneously, take care of a audit that's supposed to reveal a 'missing 2.3 trillion dollars.' You can A) Engage in a massive operation to hire actors to pretend to stage hijackings of planes(?), rig several buildings with explosives with the intent of detonating them after they get hit by said planes to ensure they fall down, because getting hit by planes isn't enough, they have to fall down for some reason (??), destroy a massive portion of your country's own defense infrastructure in an attempt to take out a few rooms in a building(???), before finally pinning the attack on some guy in Afghanistan/Pakistan and then later spending a whole *year* trying to somehow draw ties between this guy in a cave and some dictator in a completely different country, who is the guy you actually want to overthrow(????) Or... OR: You could plant a small bomb in the Pentagon, say Bin Ladin funded the attack, and then just straight up plant chemical weapons in Iraq if you want to go after Saddam as well. There is zero reason to have to deal with planes, building demolition, any of that shit. Why... just why? How the fuck is the U.S. govt. simultaneously capable of orchestrating this massively complex deception operation with such success that the majority of people fall for it, and yet simultaneously so completely stupid that they decide to come up with this needlessly complicated, expensive plan that's so full of holes any idiot with a youtube account can expose them? >> [_] Anon 3138328 >># thats just not how command structures work boss says "solve problem x" now this dude is the boss to some other dude sub-boss says "solve proble y" and that underfunded sub-boss uses a combination of doing nothing and doing something bad to not go over budget. its like when they didnt tell churchill they were relaying ultra intel to the soviets, when infact it was siphoned directly from bletchley park. solved the problem. was far more damaging than the boss asked for. history books didnt care, for like 50 years. >> [_] Anon 3138341 >># The idea of this flash is to say that an attempt by terrorist groups to launch the 9/11 attacks is based on ridiculous premises, but if you accept that you have to then jump on board with accepting an even more ridiculous premise that the govt. attempted this over complicated plan, managed to pull it off and yet was simultaneously so incompetent that it left massive gaps in its story. 9/11 conspiracy theories fail to understand that pretty much any alternative method for accomplishing the 'goals' of the conspiracy (bringing a nation to war, eliminating jeopardizing financial documents, drumming up support for extra govt. powers,) would have been less convoluted. It's like the exact opposite of occam's razor; Take an event, come up with the most convoluted explanation you can think of, then when faced with evidence of a different interpretation of events, continue to add more complexity to the explanation in order to justify the initial position. This isn't exactly a comment directed against you, I don't think you're a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, but rather just trying to point out a hole in my example. It's more of a rant against the logic that goes into these 9/11 theories in general.
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] Anon 3109218 Fat Monday Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3109263 The video drastically overestimates our government's ability to prevent such an attack at the time. The conspiracy here isn't that we're ruled by an all-seeing malevolent overmind, it's worse. We're ruled by the kids we grew up with in grade school. >> [_] Anon 3109295 Osama was for fact 'released' into the ocean I was there. >> [_] Anon 3109304 >># Not really. There was a shitload of information about the attack days and even weeks before it occurred. The idea that it was a random thing that no one saw coming is laughable and is simply untrue. The Government was warned by the CIA and other institutions many times before it occurred. I don't like believing in conspiracy theories and I don't have much interest in them honestly but based on the facts I currently find the opinion that the Government had some involvement in the attacks plausible. There are so many strange things it is hard to ignore. Bush after the attacks shut down all air travel but did allow planes to fly around the country to pick up Bin Laden and his family members and fly them out of the country. That is an odd thing for him to do... no? Anyway I have no idea of what really happened or who really was involved but I do tend to currently think that it was some form of conspiracy and not just a random attack as suggested by the eternally untrustworthy mainstream media. >> [_] Anon 3109395 The Youtube version has a classical tune at the start instead of noise. >> [_] Anon 3109430 >># >facts >[citation needed] >[citation needed] >[citation needed] >> [_] Anon 3109433 >># evidence to the contrary >[citation needed] >[citation needed] >[citation needed] >> [_] Anon 3109435 >># You make the classic mistake of assuming that bureaucrats are somehow competent or at least efficient. Sadly neither is the case.
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] Anon 3105213 >> [_] Anon 3105228 Fair points. Though this assumes that the government could successfully execute anything >> [_] Anon 3105251 >># As long as execution is A. Blowing things up or B. Point blank, they have a somewhat acceptable success rate. >> [_] Anon 3105333 >># 9/11 was an inside job
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] Anon 3062283 >> [_] Anon 3062346 sauce? >> [_] Anon 3062391 well when you say it like that jet fuel can't melt steel beams >> [_] Anon 3062398 I'm always amazed at how high conspiracy theorists opinion of the US government is. When you hear them tell it, nothing is ever a fuckup; it's all just part of an even larger, even more secret plan. Even if that plan would be far less beneficial than the "fake" plans they claim had been rigged to fail. The world is fucking bizarre place when you only consider it retrospectively.
File: bring your own tinfoil hat.swf-(6.41 MB, 320x180, Other) [_] Anon 3060985 >> [_] Anon 3060998 so what are you going to do next, now that you know it's a lie? >> [_] Anon 3061007 LOOK MAN I JUST WANT TO LOOK AT MEMES NOT ALL THIS REDPILL SHIT OKAY? >> [_] Anon 3061015 anyone who still believes the official 911 story has to be braindead >> [_] Anon 3061024 So in the US, this is considered a conspiracy and not the real truth? damn.... >> [_] Anon 3061026 so all we can do now is bitch about it but no one gets even punished for this nice >> [_] Anon 3061028 Can someone post the cool one with the Fightclub music about the pentagon? >> [_] Anon 3061143 >># yeah because in the US people actually deal with the US government and know how incompetent it is and for such a giant conspiracy no more than a handful of people have come forward with information that can be backed up by those things called facts. >> [_] Anon 3061161 Look man, I just want to eat burgers, make fun of feminists, and live out my days in the basement of my room. I'd have no regrets, if this video didn't make me question everything I know. I don't even know why bother anymore. >> [_] Anon 3061167 Trump probably paid for 9/11 to create hatred for muslims he hates muslims |