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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 9043 Age: 41.44d Health: 0% Posters: 17 Posts: 29 Replies: 26 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 32387 A proper whitewashing [IMG] Ami D whitewashed.swf (94.9 KiB) 550x400, Compressed. 338 frames, 28 fps (00:12). Ver9, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 32389 remove the penis, have her masturbate and squirt instead. >> Anon 32391 Open the shirt, give her dick nipples, make them squirt instead >> Anon 32392 >># also acceptable, make them dick squirting nipples. >> Anon 32393 >># shitting* holy fuck im facked. >> Anon 32394 Meh, I like my yellowish one better. Not gonna fight about it though. Now everybody can shut the fuck up. Oh wait, nothing but "remove the dick" comments... >> Anon 32395 nice job op, now you just gotta remove the dick and the flash will be perfect >> Anon 32397 >># OP here, never really had an issue with your edit. Thought it was really good. It did inspire me to make this. >># >># >># >># >># Take it to nitrotitan, or modeseven as he/she/it's called nowadays. >> Anon 32404 >># it's never a she dude... >> Anon 32409 >># You'd be surprised,they DO exist. >> Anon 32420 >Being this niggered triggered >> Anon 32421 Yes, the SKIN COLOR was the problem with this flash >> Anon 32422 >># That sounds like the title of a moonman song. >> Anon 32423 >># I'm a firm believer that over representation is a bad practice. Saying he/she when "she" is most likely 1 in 100 gives a skewed picture of reality. Nobody thinks there are never any exception to the rule so it's completely fine to omit a group when they are barely part of the whole. It's like blacks on American TV. From the look of it in commercials you'd almost think that the American population is 30% to 50% black while in reality there are only around 13% blacks in USA. This over representation gives a skewed picture of reality and is harmful to society in the long run, I believe. One example is when only white guys pass for a second interview for a job. "Oh boy, the first interviewer must have been racist" the ignorant might say. But in reality odds are that there might not even have been a black guy applying for the job in the first place. But thanks to the skewed perception of how things really are, caused by over representation, an issue emerges where there really shouldn't be one. >> Anon 32424 >># r u braziliero >> Anon 32430 >somebody actually made a white version AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking idiot I was just joking >> Anon 32440 >># The biggest joke here is that you're so self-absorbed that you actually think it was made for you. >> Anon 32461 Wasn't the original supposed to be a ganguro anyways? >> Anon 32495 >># It's the only one where I shitposted senpai. :^) >> Anon 32529 Yep, redheads are about as white as you can get >> Anon 32547 >># Remove your own dick, my man. >> Anon 32548 >># It's better than having to look at ugly niggers. >> Anon 32588 >># You're still fucking gay though. >> Anon 32612 >># No I am not. You are the gay one. >> Anon 32614 >># actually, red is the only hair color other than black that niggers can have naturally. so no. >> Anon 32710 >># >no u Kill yourself kiddo. >> Anon 32787 >># That's... still one in ten people. In a population of hundreds of millions, that's still tens of millions. And white people only make up about 63% of the population. So in a line up of ten, that'd be like, 6 white guys, a latino guy, a black guy, probably a mixed kid, and one asian. So you know, almost half is not white. Your logic is shit. >> Anon 32810 Why can't we all just get along >> Anon 32817 >># Because we're all angry fuckers on the internet. |