/ > /fap/ > Thread 12587
Age: 117.91d Health: 0% Posters: 32 Posts: 59 Replies: 56 Files: 1+2
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 12jan2018(fr)10:09 No.56176 OP P1
EroPharaoh - Gardevoir's Embrace (18+ Commission)
Newest commission. There are 3 secret buttons - 2 for appearance and 1 is for a secret scene.
Hope you enjoy!
EroPharaoh - Gardevoir pub.swf (11.19 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed. 93 frames, 26 fps (00:04).
Ver36, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)11:10 No.56177 A P2R1
Nice to see you putting up more content in your flashes. Keep up the good work.
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 12jan2018(fr)11:27 No.56178 OP P3R2
Thanks! Content is up to what the person commissioning asks for, so it could be more or less in
the future (obviously less would mean a quicker release date, though - so it kind of balances
Glad this site is back up. ;)
>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)13:41 No.56182 B P4R3
Pretty good voi-
aaand you fucked it.
>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)14:53 No.56183 C P5R4
Good start on the new year, thanks OP!
>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)18:40 No.56187 D P6R5
damn, how do you get the second unlockable? I think I've tried everything
>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)18:54 No.56188 D P7
nvm i found it. Looks in the flowers.
>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)21:11 No.56193 E P8R6
That hidden scene is great.You and the guy who commissioned this are gods among men.
>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)23:06 No.56196 F P9R7
The details are amazing in this one. From the extra features to the ballgag of a sad Electrode.
The extras are amazing and need to be in every game, even if the commission doesn't ask for it.
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 12jan2018(fr)23:08 No.56197 OP P10R8
She's actually saying "FUCK ME".
Thank you, and you're welcome!
There's a little more to it than that - the keystone won't work alone! ;)
Ha, glad you liked it!
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 12jan2018(fr)23:18 No.56198 OP P11
I try to put a little extra in my commissions if it won't take too much time...but sometimes if
it's a difficult style it'll push over and I can't get as much in. I make most of my money from
that website that people seem to hate being mentioned, but commissions still fill that gap that
allows me to pay all my bills and afford necessities, so I have to get them out as quick as
possible. I'm finally at the point where I can pay my bills and it's a fucking relief.
>> Anonymous 13jan2018(sa)01:19 No.56201 G P12R9
I got a gardevoir ex in a booster pack i got this christmas
>> Anonymous 13jan2018(sa)05:13 No.56204 H P13R10
This is your best work yet, great stuff, keep it up.
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 13jan2018(sa)06:02 No.56206 OP P14R11
u wanna trade i got shiny charzard
>> Anonymous 13jan2018(sa)06:33 No.56207 I P15R12
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 13jan2018(sa)06:58 No.56208 OP P16R13
I'm not sure how I feel about you yet. I do like you a lot, but I want to see where this
relationship goes before I put any labels like "love" on it.
>> Shrek 13jan2018(sa)07:07 No.56209 J P17R14
Your best one yet.
And stop milking oolay tiger you perv (͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°)
>> Anonymous 13jan2018(sa)08:37 No.56212 K P18R15
Pretty good as always although I'm no fan of gardevoir fucking.
Blowjob scene is alright too, waiting for more!
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 13jan2018(sa)09:06 No.56214 OP P19R16
Thanks, Shrek! And never. >:)
Thanks ;)
>> Anon 13jan2018(sa)14:41 No.56216 L P20R17
Imma quickly put this into my stash in case of net neutrality shite
>> Anonymous 13jan2018(sa)15:36 No.56217 G P21R18
Sorry i promised my cousin he'd get it when i die so i cant trade it
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 13jan2018(sa)22:35 No.56221 OP P22R19
If you have problems with the preloader when opened locally, here's a version without the
preloader: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1irWaJvZRwCQLvrFn4UW-f0utTa9mm5GS
Otherwise right-click->play on the preloader will work too if it's broken.
you son of a bitch
>> Anonymous 14jan2018(su)00:39 No.56224 M P23R20
nice but i found bug. after secret scene, vaginal and anal buttons were swapped.
>> Anonymous 14jan2018(su)00:45 No.56225 N P24R21
This is actually good. Glad to see you improved so much over such a relatively short span of
Keep up the good work myman
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 14jan2018(su)01:46 No.56228 OP P25R22
Thanks for helping! I fixed it for the Newgrounds version, but I'll wait a bit before uploading
a fixed version here in case people find more bugs. I don't want to spam my videos here.
Thanks! I can't believe it's been almost 9 months since I started doing this! :O
>> Anonymous 14jan2018(su)02:52 No.56229 O P26R23
This is gold, plust your flashes always have different drawing style depending on the
commission... That versatility is so good! First time commenting on swfchan only to say keep up
the good work! You have a talent for sure!
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 14jan2018(su)03:38 No.56230 OP P27R24
Hey thanks!! :D Means a lot!
>> Anonymous 14jan2018(su)03:55 No.56231 P P28R25
Nice work, I've enjoyed all your releases thus far, keep doing good work.
>> Anonymous 14jan2018(su)13:09 No.56235 Q P29R26
Very good!
Bonus points for using the 'best Pokémon waifu' and bonus bonus points for 'building
friendship'. Gave me a good laugh.
I think what I like most, compared to other flashes, is how you animated her eye(s).
That said, she could look slightly more happy while giving head >:D
At least one of her expressions during the blowjob scene looks kind of angry, which doesn't
quite fit, if you ask me.
Keep up the good work. As corny as it sounds: You are on the way to exceed Zone-Sama. *Anime
music starts playing*
But honestly now: At the moment you are making this kind of quality stuff one would usually only
expect from Zone, while Zone is kind of slacking off at the moment.
In the near future I'll support you an Patreon as well :)
I just have to figure out Paypal and stuff...
Untill recently I never had the kind of money to even think about things like that, so it might
take a while.
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 14jan2018(su)13:54 No.56236 OP P30R27
Thank you. :)
Thanks! The first bonus points go to the commission guy, but I came up with the friendship idea,
so I'll take it! ;)
I had a bit of freedom with the eyes since we weren't going completely canon, so I had fun doing
As far as Zone is concerned, I appreciate it. Zone was an inspiration on my decision to start
doing this! I think he's just super busy at the moment - last time he went quiet he came out
with a 16 minute animation (which some people didn't like, but you nobody can say it wasn't
extremely well done), so I always assume something's coming. Even if he's just taking it easy or
doing other things in life, I think he deserves a break now and then. That's just my two cents.
Appreciate the support!
>> Anonymous 14jan2018(su)18:56 No.56238 R P31R28
I guess "Ty Lee public" is no longer my favorite EroPharaoh flash. Great job!
>> Anonymous 15jan2018(mo)02:56 No.56241 S P32R29
EroPharaoh you have done an amazing job. Keep up the good work!
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 15jan2018(mo)03:16 No.56242 OP P33R30
Yess, I've done it!
Thank you! Maximum effort.
>> Anonymous 15jan2018(mo)04:39 No.56243 T P34R31
i know its a commission. But have you thought of adding something to remove the dude on this
one? If not this one, in a future one?
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 15jan2018(mo)05:33 No.56249 OP P35R32
Stuff that's being blocked or out of view are non-existent, such as her left arm in the back and
the bend at the knee for the back leg. This would make it a bit of work, and unfortunately I
have to move onto the next one. This also saves time and work, so unless requested, it probably
won't be in future commissions, sorry!
>> Anonymous 15jan2018(mo)16:18 No.56256 T P36R33
Well, worth asking!
>> ???? ???? 15jan2018(mo)18:34 No.56259 U P37R34
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 15jan2018(mo)20:56 No.56263 OP P38R35
Definitely. I might be able to spend more time to implement stuff like this in the future if my
money situation is better :)
>> Anonymous 16jan2018(tu)02:19 No.56277 K P39R36
You are probably the best developer on here, I mean there's Zone and shit but they don't reside
here. Good work as always, love your work so far.
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 16jan2018(tu)06:50 No.56282 OP P40R37
Thanks! I work hard! ;)
>> Anonymous 16jan2018(tu)23:22 No.56310 V P41R38
Good work, you're slowly but surely getting better. I'd say you draw well enough, but need to
deepen your knowledge on deforming characters to make movement look more natural - which is
complicated, since it involves less rotoscoping, but oh so worth it.
Don't hesitate in toying with higher accelerations too. The movement speeds here are too
regular, and make the animations look robotic; when you push something with constant force, your
speed goes up over time... And it's kinda the same when fucking really (or at least, it looks
Again, good job! It feels nice seeing quality vanilla content at last. And keep up the little
secrets, they really add to the experience.
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 17jan2018(we)09:35 No.56328 OP P42R39
Thank you!!
I don't use any rotoscoping for my animation, so it wouldn't be any less ;)
Appreciate the advice, thanks again! :D
>> Anonymous 17jan2018(we)18:33 No.56340 W P43R40
>exceed zone
let's not get ahead of ourselves shall we
let's put it to
I'll definitely approve of the fact though that EroPharaoh is the best residing flash creator on
swfchan, heck, on /f/ too.
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 17jan2018(we)23:30 No.56346 OP P44R41
Right? It's hard exceed perfection, but I just accepted the compliment ;)
>> Anonymous 19jan2018(fr)23:44 No.56408 X P45R42
Where's the actual version? I'd assume "pub" means public and isn't as good as the actual
version. Other flash makers do this.
>> Anonymous 20jan2018(sa)01:07 No.56410 Y P46R43
What you working on next buddy?
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 20jan2018(sa)02:42 No.56415 OP P47R44
Yep, "pub" is for "public", the only difference is it has a preloader for embedding. It doesn't
have a version number because it's a completed commission. I used to put version numbers for bug
fixes in my early commissions, but stopped because there were a lot of people who misunderstood
and thought they were individually ongoing projects because of the version number. You're the
first one to mention this, so I'll take that over 20 people asking me when I'm updating it. ;)
Melody from Josie & The Pussycats (the Hanna-Barbera TV show version) is next!
>> Anonymous 20jan2018(sa)04:33 No.56417 Z P48R45
Asking this clearly a self-indulgent pipe dream, but nothing's stopping me from asking.
If you could make the option to change between Melody/Josie/Valerie, you'd be an legend to me.
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 20jan2018(sa)04:55 No.56420 OP P49R46
I've been heavily considering this because they all have pretty much the exact body type (so
it'd be easy), and it's of personal interest to me...the biggest issue is paying for the extra
voice acting. I'm barely making enough money for living expenses, so it's nice to have a little
extra, but I'll see what I can do! ;)
>> Anonymous 22jan2018(mo)21:09 No.56513 AA P50R47
Ive seen the animation and wanted to know the title of the piece because its so fucking good
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 22jan2018(mo)21:38 No.56515 OP P51R48
For future reference, this information can always be found in the "credits" section inside the
>> Anonymous 24jan2018(we)21:27 No.56558 AB P52R49
Would you consider adding an option to keep the heart-shaped pupils? Those that appear when the
friendship meter fills up. It's a neat thing.
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 24jan2018(we)21:34 No.56565 OP P53R50
For now this commission is finished. If I ever go back to it in the future I can add this. :)
>> Anonymous 25jan2018(th)07:06 No.56575 AC P54R51
Cant find the "some thing are hard to see", pls halp.
>> Anonymous 25jan2018(th)07:26 No.56576 AD P55R52
Read the rest of this exact same sentence.
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 25jan2018(th)22:59 No.56588 OP P56R53
Here is a video walkthrough for the secrets.
>> Anonymous 26jan2018(fr)01:45 No.56593 A P57R54
>People actually having trouble finding a couple of secrets in a relatively straightforward flash
>Video walkthroughs needed to be made
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 26jan2018(fr)02:38 No.56600 OP P58R55
A lot of people are having trouble! I was worried they weren't hidden enough...
The video walkthrough I actually made for Oolay-Tiger and a couple others in case they just
wanted to see the content and didn't feel like dicking around. Sure came in handy though!
Those puns were unintended.
>> Anonymous 23feb2018(fr)22:24 No.57282 AE P59R56
This is amazing