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This is resource AF8NL83, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/2 -2018 09:40:19

Ended:14/8 -2018 15:23:51

Checked:14/8 -2018 15:34:43

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 3.
Discovered flash files: 1


/ > /swf/ > Thread 12749

Age: 168.24d   Health: 0%   Posters: 2   Posts: 3   Replies: 2   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 20feb2018(tu)09:35 No.57199 OP P1

the file that the flash in loads

[IMG] ll.swf (2.2 KiB)
100x100, Compressed. 2 frames, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver10, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 20feb2018(tu)18:45 No.57203 A P2R1

please dont do this. swfchan isn't meant to have a million files that you need to download and
manually combine to be able to play the whole thing offline. it would render the archive near
impossible to browse.

>> Anonymous 21feb2018(we)09:23 No.57221 OP P3R2

I was attempting to crack it and would have posted the crack and then these versions anyway. This
version doesn't even play offline anyway. The problem is that I don't have Flash so I'm stuck with
editing the scripts in JPEX and for whatever reason it can't compile over goto statements, so it's
literally impossible for me to crack this until JPEX can do goto statements.

Moreover, stuff like this already exists in the archive, see the last two in
m/search/?q=qbert and that's not even mentioning preloaders. I would rather have disconnected files
than a bunch of preloaders. They depend upon an external site to work (or work just fine without it
and are just sitelocked). At least disconnected files in the archives are possible (if difficult)
to cobble together to work offline.

A few years ago I was reading through homestuck and got to one of the flash videos (chapter/act 5 I
think?) and it was a really good animation. It was a preloader however that loaded the bulk of the
animation from 5 separate flash files hosted on newgrounds. I checked to see if swfchan had
everything but it only contained the preloader. Imagine if, for some reason, went
offline. There's hardly any point in having the preloader. So I downloaded all of the animation
chunks and uploaded them to swfchan, which is probably the only place that mirrors them. Who knows
how many preloaders are on swfchan right now that point to dead servers? at least one very good
animation is preserved. Looked back and found it's name will bring up everything.

At any rate it won't make the archive impossible to browse because
1. I preserved the names that the other flash points to.
2. collections exist and could be used to group interlinked flash files in one place, would only be
useful if there's an excessive amount of files though.
3. like the homestuck animation parts, files could be posted/renamed in a format similar to
blahpart1.swf, meaning that if you search up blah you'd get all of the parts as well
Created: 20/2 -2018 09:40:19 Last modified: 14/8 -2018 15:40:19 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:18:20