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This is resource AIB238B, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/1 -2018 05:19:21

Ended:27/1 -2018 01:33:10

Checked:27/1 -2018 02:07:23

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: nanadance.swf-(820 KB, 550x400, Japanese)
[_] のこ 01/25/18(Thu)23:14:51 No.3310879

  gay, straight, we all dance

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)01:14:49 No.3310915

  I can't dance I don't have legs.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)01:17:04 No.3310916

  born to flop

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)06:44:20 No.3310948

  I wasn't prepared for these feels...

>> [_] のこ 01/26/18(Fri)08:00:16 No.3310954

  This: >>3310916

  I had forgotten about all the Nana flashes until I found some of the nanas everyday life web
  comic stashed deep in my hard drive. It was a nice dose of feels.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)09:15:55 No.3310965

  Nana is still dead.

>> [_] のこ 01/26/18(Fri)09:39:22 No.3310971


  We know....

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)10:38:24 No.3310975

  Damn dog...

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)11:43:41 No.3310984

  It's strange seeing people feign sadness over an Elfenlied fancomic when they would probably say
  Elfenlied is shit.

>> [_] のこ 01/26/18(Fri)11:49:25 No.3310986

  Woah, woah, woah. Who would think Elfen Lied is shit? And who would read the comic if they didn't
  like EL? That comment just doesn't make any sense.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)19:13:11 No.3311079

  What are you talking about? The Nana character from Elfen Lied? Literally canonically alive.
  Voice actresses? Alive. Some weird ass fanfiction? Not canon.

>> [_] のこ 01/26/18(Fri)19:29:55 No.3311084

  Well, ya it's non cannon. It was a cute, dark, funny, little comic. We're talking about it
  because they made this flash too.
Created: 26/1 -2018 05:19:21 Last modified: 27/1 -2018 02:07:25 Server time: 22/12 -2024 18:59:55