File: luv(sic) Pt. 6.swf-(5.3 MB, 500x265, Other)
[_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)00:00:29 No.3317289
i'll never forget the years spent on this board. I may have grown and stopped using it, but I'll
never forget the underage faggotry, using proxies to use /f/ at school, spending my nights
staying up to 3 am watching shitty loops and playing pooh's baseball. The years I have spent on
flash have changed me as a person and made me who I am today. I have been viewing this board
since 2012 and saving flashes since 2014, my last ten saves were from October of 2016 to June
2017. An era of my life has ended and nothing defines it more than Nujabes. I'll never forget you
/f/aggots, I hope you enjoy your miku mondays, 2huesdays, amv wednesdays, thursgays, friday
nights muthafucka and party on saturdays for years to come. Goodbye
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)00:25:32 No.3317294
Godspeed in your travels, anon. Keep us in mind, but never stop moving forward.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)00:29:49 No.3317295
nujabes is very uwu <3
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)00:36:51 No.3317296
The world keeps on turning regardless Anon. It's our choice whether or not we turn with it. And
even then world itself cares not for our choices. All we can do is make the most of our time here
on this dirt rock. Cheers Anon, may your road lead you to prosperity and good fortune. Keep one
foot in front of the other and don't forget to stop and smell the flowers every once in a while,
and most importantly of all keep your chin up and when things get bad just remember that you're
playing the game. The one that will take you to your end and only the rain will wash who you are.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)00:40:22 No.3317298
Goodbye, Master.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)00:40:36 No.3317299
w-where are you going?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)03:44:28 No.3317335
Farewell anon, wish you all the best
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)05:45:54 No.3317352
You post this 4 days before the 8th Anniversary of Jabes' death. How fitting. Love you, Anon. <3
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)08:42:06 No.3317372
remember, you're here forever OP
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)10:08:25 No.3317379
it's a shame to see flash go, a cultural phenomenon lost to time no doubt.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)13:19:05 No.3317410
See you tomorrow
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)14:03:15 No.3317419
>only saving 10 flashes over the course of 10 months
git gud