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This is resource BERD6QA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:24/2 -2018 18:54:50

Ended:25/2 -2018 04:58:36

Checked:25/2 -2018 08:43:05

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
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File: party_hard_ukigumo.swf-(389 KB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 02/24/18(Sat)12:50:45 No.3317884

  Well /f/ellas that's unfortunately another season in the books. I apologize for not taking the
  team further but PES 17 strikers are so god awful at times. Granted I don't wanna aim the blame
  away from my ineptitude at the game in general. But I just wanna say that for once not toiling
  over tests and worrying endlessly how the match will turn out is a lot better for me in the end
  and honestly managing hasn't been this much fun in a while. I truthfully look forward to spring
  and potentially rotating out the bronzes for the next season. Like always if anyone wants to come
  up and help the team feel free to get in touch because we'd be more than happy to get help at
  this rate. I still wish that you guys keep believing and keep supporting the team. You guys are
  the only reason I've done this for as long as I have.

  Party hard and party on /f/ellas.

  What the fuck is this? Check out the wiki for more info: https://implyingrigge

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/18(Sat)13:52:55 No.3317901

  Good effort Sou, go get em in spring.
  Also ~~~osaka for bronze

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/18(Sat)14:02:38 No.3317902

  remove beep beep
  add hat

>> [_] Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 02/24/18(Sat)15:08:09 No.3317914

  Sure why not? Might as well cycle out more players as we get closer to 2020

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/18(Sat)15:10:22 No.3317915

  We'll get to the finals eventually

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/18(Sat)15:22:49 No.3317916

  >hat in
  Y E S

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/18(Sat)18:39:17 No.3317954

  At least we beat /lgbt/ and didn't bottom the group. That counts for something.

>> [_] Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 02/24/18(Sat)19:05:48 No.3317961

  Indeed, it wasn't the worst run out there and considering I hardly tested and still had 1 win, 1
  draw, 1 loss season it just gives me a little bit of hope that Im not as much of a tactical
  brainlet as I think I am but we'll see what happens in spring.

  One day I'm sure my friend.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/18(Sat)22:50:59 No.3318019

  The best part about this is I can still cheer for /f/ in the Spring 2018 cup in 3 months.

  Dont stress too hard sou about ticky tacks and practice games. I still enjoyed every game we
  played and just want everyone to have fun playing virtual divegrass

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/18(Sat)22:53:28 No.3318020

  completely missed the whole thing, but then again, i wasnt too invested in paying attention to it

  but anyway, am i the only one that thinks this is the best party hard?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/18(Sat)22:57:44 No.3318025

  Thanks for letting /f/ keep playing! ┌(・_・)┘
Created: 24/2 -2018 18:54:50 Last modified: 25/2 -2018 08:43:41 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:52:50