File: ppppSuperWiiUv4_interactiveV2_03.swf-(7.61 MB, 560x750, Porn)
[_] Anonymous 02/12/18(Mon)22:53:47 No.3315199
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/18(Mon)23:49:16 No.3315211
What retard thought being able to lock the song cycle buttons (and doing so automatically on most
characters) was in any way a useful feature, but being able to lock a song while on random
character wasn't?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/18(Tue)06:04:06 No.3315276
Why is the audio quality so fucking ass?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/18(Tue)07:11:51 No.3315288
because when they were making it they didn't change the quality and adobe flash automatically
compresses audio to 16kbps