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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 24. Discovered flash files: 1 File: stop_thursgays_today.swf-(908 KB, 500x500, Loop) [_] Finally, my people have arrived Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)13:58:18 No.3310745 Thursgay is a scourge on this board. >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)14:17:53 No.3310748 >>3310745 Don't fuck with tradition >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)14:19:07 No.3310749 ……..…../´¯/)……….. (\¯`\ …………/….//……….. …\\….\ ………../….//………… ….\\….\ …../´¯/…./´¯\………../¯ `\….\¯`\ .././…/…./…./.|_……_| .\….\….\…\.\.. (.(….(….(…./.)..)..(..(. \….)….)….).) .\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/……………./ ..\…………….. /……..\……………..…/ ….\…………..(………. ..)……………./ >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)14:33:48 No.3310754 the bear is moving just a little bit too fast, a pity >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)15:01:54 No.3310757 >>3310748 >tradition if you call forced memes a tradition then sure >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)15:32:50 No.3310762 >>3310757 welcome to /f/ faggot >> [_] のこ 01/25/18(Thu)15:48:54 No.3310765 we will survive, OP >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)15:51:05 No.3310766 >>3310748 Eh, your tradition is pretty "gay." >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)15:57:09 No.3310769 New tradition then: Stop thursgays >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)16:30:29 No.3310779 >>3310745 fuck off of our board you fucking faggot >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)16:39:51 No.3310780 Is it not enough that you newfags fucked over every single other board, you have to fuck over /f/ too? >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)17:14:20 No.3310785 >>3310745 Im sorry but thursgay is tradition, together with daily dose the only tradition I recognize >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)18:02:35 No.3310791 song source? swfchan's empty >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)18:49:02 No.3310801 >>3310791 resize the flash >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)18:57:05 No.3310805 >>3310769 >>3310766 >>3310765 >>3310757 >>3310745 What woodwork did all of you retards come from? You're not going to be able to stop thursgay, shit's been tradition for years. Same with the daily dose. Trying to stop it is like trying to stop the sun from shining on planet earth, just not possible, and all effort you put towards it is infantile and worthless in direction. >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)19:09:08 No.3310807 >>3310805 daily dose doesnt turn the whole board into cancer once a week however. its one flash, sure its every day, but still just one flash of many. thursgay ruins the whole experience every thursday. besides all the other days have mostly died out and are only slightly celebrated every now and then >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)19:14:17 No.3310808 >>3310807 >Miku Monday dead >Touhou Tuesdays semi-dead >Thursgay Hasn't stopped I don't remember the other days. >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)19:20:14 No.3310810 Fuck off newfag >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)19:25:10 No.3310811 >>3310810 >dont even know what newfag is kys, retard. thursgays aint even old >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)19:42:48 No.3310813 >>3310745 It's people like you that motivate me to shit out thursgay flashes. >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)19:43:50 No.3310814 >>3310807 There's like 3 guys that even bother posting gachi shit. Cry about it somewhere else. >> [_] のこ 01/25/18(Thu)19:46:13 No.3310817 >>3310748 >>3310780 >>3310785 >>3310805 >>3310810 >>3310779 im not trying to fuck with thursgay. im just glad they started being labeled. once that started happening thursdays became bearable again. its a small board, but its not too small that we cant share. and thats all i have a problem with. there just needs to be a balance. most thursdays arent bad at all, today was just an especially gayposty one. like i said earlier, we will survive. thursgays not the end of the world. >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)20:05:44 No.3310824 I hate Thursgays so much, I hate homosexuals so much, I dislike Touhou Tuesdays and whats left of Miku Monday is very meh now. But as muich as I despise them they are really a tradition and I just skip over the stuff thats posted unless it's that swf of the two 3D gay guys who transform and chase a bulldozer looking thing down the road but that doesn't get posted anymore. >> [_] Anonymous 01/25/18(Thu)20:13:21 No.3310827 >>3310745 I fucking despise literal faggots and yet here I am having fun with thursgay. Get your head out of your ass. |