File: 机.swf-(10 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)07:37:05 No.3321619
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)11:57:59 No.3321645
> tfw you're so insecure in your masculinity, you can't be happy about anything you enjoy because
a real man suffers
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)12:26:29 No.3321650
i agree with the general sentiment towards manchildren, but its pretty retarded to say all games
are bad.
am i a manchild because i spend a couple of hours playing a strategy game rather than watching
netflix? give me a break
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)12:35:23 No.3321651
>tfw I can't build a table
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)13:00:37 No.3321659
Based soygoy
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)14:46:52 No.3321675
All forms of entertainment are fine. It's when you start forming your entire personality around
it is when you should probably reevaluate yourself.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)14:55:05 No.3321679
This is kind of amazing. The glasses, the well groomed beard, the suspenders... just amazing.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)15:12:47 No.3321691
today I fixed the Carb and pull start rode on a lawn mower. did a Oil change on my car and
rotated the tires. painted a bathroom for my mother in law. made my self coffee in my coffee
press, now im sitting on 4chan about to play WoW. That Guy can go fuck himself.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)15:16:08 No.3321692
>Building useful shit in your garage is suffering
I have it all wrong obviously
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)15:27:01 No.3321697
the HIGHEST of horses was sat upon today
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)15:41:53 No.3321701
he's cosplaying a 1930's beta male who is nervous as fuck because his manly dick is about to be
run through a meat processor after 2 years of not paying off his bookie get it right nerd
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)16:23:49 No.3321712
> trying this hard
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)17:18:00 No.3321724
Less that, and more the fact that he seems to think that if you don't like building shit in your
garage, you should go fuck yourself and die in a fire. Or live, but do absolutely nothing but
what he thinks you should do as a man.
Besides that, it sounds like his particular stick is shoved so far up his ass that "men"
shouldn't even enjoy sitting down with a beer and watching some baseball. When you're so
conservative that something as traditional as those pastimes are haraam, your value system is as
fucked as the value systems of people who use haraam unironically.
And if I'm wrong about the baseball thing? Then he's a hypocrite. Because who the hell besides
him wrote moral scripture to exonerate traditional shit and condemn newer forms of entertainment.
Have any major holy books been updated? No? Then where the fuck is he drawing his authority from?
Really, in the end, the problem is that he's pretty obviously preaching to a choir, because
nothing that he says actually consitutes an argument at all. It's just a bunch of claims that'll
make those who believe in them feel good with nothing substantive backing them. I kept waiting
for him to pull out something that challenged my assumptions, and instead, he just wasted my time.
That's not how you get people to agree with you.
Christ, if there's one thing I wish we could return to from the past, its that distant fucking
era where our public discourse was enlightened instead of just loud. Liberal, conservative,
centrist - I'd take anything if only they had something to say, and thought to say it with.
Fuck this world. We made it for and of ourselves and we deserve it for what we've done.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)18:44:35 No.3321735
why is this named desk
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)18:45:13 No.3321736
The guy's claim to fame is that he spread his ass on camera, and used the bad publicity to
promote an imitation of the ben shapiro show.
The difference is that he's not a wealthy, successful harvard lawyer, and nowhere nearly as
entertaining, so the whole condescension and arrogance hasn't been earned.
And what are his topics of choice? Oh, "video games are childish", or "artisanship is masculine".
Boring, safe topics that are set in stone. No one will disagree. Not because they'd have to
debate against him - but because they'd have to take on the entire weight of public opinion and
societal norms. Might as well have a show called "bombing hiroshima was necessary" and scream
down all the "traitors" who provide points to the contrary. No audience member would dare
disagree. If a master debater called in and destroyed him against all odds - he could just play
the homophobia card and kick him off the air.
it's all a ploy to appear famous and use it to pick up twinks.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)18:54:45 No.3321739
Thank you, Anon. It's fun to watch triggered assholes rage impotently.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)19:54:24 No.3321748
lol he's famous for founding the VICE network or whatever that shit is.
he's also not really anything like Ben Shapiro
go build a table and try again kid.
and people who obsess that he showed his ass on camera one time and did a joke with a buttplug
are kind of silly.
wow he did one lowbrow kinda gay joke in his whole life obviously that should define him forever
more cuz its so crazy oh my godddddd how can we ever forget what an insane joke my bruddasss
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)20:38:47 No.3321753
/civil society
> "you're supposed to know how things work, you're supposed to know how to fix a fridge, you
should be building a table or something like that"
I'm too busy getting my CS degree, chilling with friends, and yes, playing video games.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)20:57:51 No.3321759
Oh man. The fact I've never built a table and I don't know how to fix my car if it breaks means
my life is so impoverished. I mean, it's not like there are people who do these things
extensively and professionally and know what they're doing that I could talk to about getting
this stuff done. And it's not like there isn't a unified standard of trade that we could exchange
in return for these services.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)21:03:10 No.3321764
the fact is if you've never built a table you can't call yourself a man
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)21:04:25 No.3321765
Good thing that's not a fact, then.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)21:06:14 No.3321766
it is a fact though, boy.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)21:11:41 No.3321768
Whatever you say, friend.