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This is resource F1097N1, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/1 -2018 14:40:52

Ended:25/4 -2018 15:17:23

Checked:25/4 -2018 15:30:57

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 12576

Age: 100.03d   Health: 0%   Posters: 11   Posts: 14   Replies: 13   Files: 1+2

>> CR 8jan2018(mo)14:37 No.56092 OP P1

hentaikey girl edit w/ hotkeys

z = toggle fast cum mode, making climaxes quicker
x = tease
s = instant tease
c = cum
v = infinite cum
b = instant cum
d = cum through
f = infinite cum through
g = instant cum through

most actions can be backed out of, infinites can be backed out of with any key except for z and
teases can be backed out of with either tease key

you can chain a lot of this shit together if you're creative, e.g. s -> f or x -> b -> v. it's fun
to fuck around with and i made it that way on purpose.

also, i get that the new zone flash is really lackluster, but jesus fucking christ, you guys. you
can complain about it on 4chan or you can make it fun yourself. learn AS3.

also, if you find any bugs or whatever, let me know, please.

[IMG] hkgirl_loop [CR].swf (6.79 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed. 166 frames, 24 fps (00:07).
Ver21, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)00:02 No.56112 A P2R1

hey, this isnt bad. thanks OP

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)02:58 No.56115 B P3R2

The way you described this makes it sound like a fighting game, I love it

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)03:49 No.56117 C P4R3

>you can complain about it on 4chan or you can make it fun yourself. learn AS3

Or Zone can just make quality shit, and those 2 wouldn't exist.
Cool edits,though.

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)08:28 No.56121 D P5R4

nice work op, i have no complaints except the filename. could have mentioned that this version
offers hotkeys, for example: hkgirl_loop [CR] hotkeys edit.swf

would of course be nice if the controls were displayed inside the flash but i understand that's a
lot harder to do. people would go check the wiki threads for instructions anyway if they read
"hotkeys edit" in the filename but find no instructions in the flash itself.

>> Anonymous 10jan2018(we)04:02 No.56136 E P6R5

Why hasn't the new Zone flash been uploaded here?

>> Anonymous 10jan2018(we)05:39 No.56139 F P7R6

This is an edited version of the new Zone flash

>> Anonymous 11jan2018(th)00:21 No.56153 E P8R7

>also, i get that the new zone flash is really lackluster,
Which new flash are you talking about?

>> CR 14jan2018(su)07:27 No.56232 OP P9R8

thanks, i'll keep the filename thing in mind.

this one. without the hotkeys, it's just a loop that changes every other time it plays. no
interactivity. zzzzz

>> Anonymous 20jan2018(sa)02:16 No.56412 G P10R9

Cool thanks!

>> Anonymous 21jan2018(su)10:16 No.56454 E P11R10

Zone has really improved. Compare this to HK girl 5 and you can tell difference.

>> Zeller 21jan2018(su)10:36 No.56455 H P12R11

Why is there no option to turn off the music yet?

>> Anonymous 21jan2018(su)13:04 No.56460 I P13R12

It's one of Zone's loops. They're never interactive.

>> Anonymous 21jan2018(su)20:00 No.56469 J P14R13

hkeygirl5 is really good though, I'd take it over this
also, his newly animated loops are just that high quality because it's exactly that - a small loop
drawn frame by frame
if zone wanted to and had the time and money, he could do a flash of hkeygirl5 levels of
interaction and content and still draw all the animations frame perfect by hand
it's less about how good he can actually draw and more about how much effort he wants to put into it
if you want a measure of quality, take a look at his ghostbusters flash, as he put all his heart
and life into that one
Created: 8/1 -2018 14:40:52 Last modified: 25/4 -2018 15:31:56 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:30:03