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This is resource GHYEI4V, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/2 -2018 18:28:11

Ended:1/3 -2018 14:14:46

Checked:1/3 -2018 14:50:15

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 130.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: カナメヲ.swf-(9.95 MB, 1280x530, Other)
[_] I hate myself RIP Anon 02/28/18(Wed)12:25:51 No.3318786

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)13:25:09 No.3318790

  Holy shit, the music goes to fully unlistenable noise after awhile. Also, those random scenes
  where the girl fucks the tree spirit thing. The hell?

>> [_] RIP Anon 02/28/18(Wed)13:32:53 No.3318791

  I honestly can't imagine grasping so little of it

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)13:42:49 No.3318792

  This is pretty good.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)13:58:07 No.3318795

  I find the animation beatiful and the story sad
  Anyway, I love it

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:27:46 No.3318804


  >So deep.
  >So much Art.
  >If U don't get it, U are a pleb.
  >Just like Homestuck & Undertale.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:34:16 No.3318805

  You must be one of the elusive people with enough IQ to watch Rick and Morty.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:40:25 No.3318808


  "An ancient god living in a *URP* tree, Morty? If it was all that powerful, why did it only take
  a guy with a chainsaw to *BRAAAP* kill it?"

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:41:52 No.3318809

  >bothering to try and understand something = showy intellectual

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:43:20 No.3318810

  Y'all missing the point here : what's the fucking song

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:48:23 No.3318812

  Lust for Summer Blues

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:49:19 No.3318813

  god fucking bless you

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:51:03 No.3318816


  Yes, because if it touches you the fee-fees, it's ART. No matter how hackney and superficial it
  really is.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:52:45 No.3318817

  not >>3318809 but I would say that this is a pretty good description of what art is.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:56:38 No.3318818

  So by that description, every Hallmark card & motivational poster should be in a museum?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:56:48 No.3318819

  >literally what art is
  I didn't even say it deep. I didn't even call it art, lmao.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)14:59:02 No.3318820

  >Evry art should be in a museum
  >it's and objectiv vision of art
  Don't jump too quickly on the conclusion, to be more precise, if it make me feel something with
  intent of making me feel it, it's art.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)15:00:31 No.3318822

  I assumed it was just a soundbite of a chainsaw having sex with a dying rabbit, how is that a

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)15:03:29 No.3318823

  >I didn't even say it deep.

  >bothering to try and understand something = showy intellectual

  Yeah, you pulled the "2 deep 4u" card. And it's not "showy intellectual." The correct term is

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)15:05:54 No.3318825

  >if it make me feel something with intent of making me feel it, it's art.

  Exactly, so a greeting card that's designed to give you warm thoughts to the card's sender is by
  your own terms, "Art."

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)15:09:27 No.3318829

  >are you actually implying you tried to understand a video
  >fucking pseudo-intellectual

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)15:18:07 No.3318832


  You're right, I can't understand why a overly trite "Save da Earth!" short is somehow a deep,
  stunning and bold piece of art on the complex issue of man's stewardship of the Earth. Simple
  statements for simple minds, I guess.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)15:27:04 No.3318833

  >he thinks its environmentalism
  At least you finally tried to form an opinion.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)15:40:16 No.3318835

  Yea, it's my vision of art, you get it.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)15:42:01 No.3318837


  I see now that the short goes much deeper than mere environmentalism. It's more about the idea of
  kidnapping a nature spirit to be your own private lesbian sex slave. That's a very deep & complex
  subject that only high minded intellectuals like you could comprehend.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)15:48:03 No.3318838

  I think you're going to have a hard time convincing the Louvre to open a new wing dedicated to
  cute puppy & kitty calendars.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)15:51:50 No.3318840

  and again, not every art should be put in a museum and I don't value every art the same (my
  retarded english is at his limit ffs)

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:00:23 No.3318844

  This thread is full of pretentiousness I don't understand. Why didn't she try and get the spirit
  some help?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:04:20 No.3318845

  WTF is happening itt?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:05:55 No.3318846


  You only said that: >if it make me feel something with intent of making me feel it, it's art. You
  never mentioned this sliding subjective scale of what is "art" and what is "better art that
  should be in a museum." So to better shore up your statement, please define your sliding scale
  with clear lines & definitions as to what is mere "art," what is "museum worthy art," and
  everything in between.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:06:54 No.3318847

  your english isn't as retarded as he is

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:07:58 No.3318848

  because she was selfish as most people are?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:08:04 No.3318849

  >Why didn't she try and get the spirit some help?
  Because she'd rather have hot loli yuri rape than go get proper help for a dying creature.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:11:54 No.3318851

  Because challenging someone to back up their poorly thought-out statements & beliefs is
  "retarded." Super smart people like you would never do that.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:15:02 No.3318855

  It's just intuitive judgment, there is a museum in my country that have (or had, idk) a giant
  plastic sculture of red lobster in it. It's not art for me, but maybe it is for the folks who run
  the museum. I think that you can't judge objectively if something is art or not, so I just judge
  upon how I feel. I don't really understand why I think A is worthy of a museum and B isn't, it's
  just how I feel. I am not pretending that I should run a museum (in fact I think I would be
  pretty bad at it) and I am not pretending that it's the right way of looking at art.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:21:02 No.3318857

  Wait a minute.. I missed the discussion!

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:31:56 No.3318859

  it's more an argument. nobody's discussing anything, just defending their own viewpoint.

  personally i think this is an analogy of adobe buying flash, raping it and then discarding it.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:40:32 No.3318860

  So your stance on art falls back to the old adage, "I don't much about art, but I know what I
  like." Which most people's stance is when it comes to art. That's all well & good, but entirely
  subjective and worse when you factor in that you don't under stand your own reasoning for liking
  "A" over "B."

  But there needs to be standards and there needs to be sound reasons why a piece of art is deemed
  museum worthy or just a piece of schlock. Usually those standards & reasons boil down to
  craftsmanship, historical noteworthiness, and the unique interpretation of the subject matter by
  the artist. If we didn't have such standards, then our galleries & museums would degrade into
  Deviant Art IRL.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:42:49 No.3318862

  I liked it

>> [_] reviewer 02/28/18(Wed)16:51:38 No.3318864

  thats interesting. I like that

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)16:52:17 No.3318865

  I agree, and that's why I would be bad at running a museum. Also, I think that those standard are
  not only "art-related", craftsmanship and historical noteworthiness for exemple can apply to a
  music instrument, a furniture or a building and those are not always considered as art. But I
  also agree that they are usually good standard to define what piece of art is worthier than
  another piece of art.

>> [_] Actually an alien 02/28/18(Wed)17:05:58 No.3318867

  not this shit again

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)17:47:13 No.3318872

  Its pretty good desu

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)18:03:38 No.3318875

  we all did

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)18:15:00 No.3318878

  So what is it?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)18:28:35 No.3318881

  but there was none

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)18:36:57 No.3318883

  Is it ethical to fuck a tree?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)18:37:46 No.3318885

  So it's decided then, We consult Holly.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)18:55:42 No.3318887

  Time is occurring in random pockets, the laws of causality no longer apply, and actions no longer
  have a consequence!

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:00:23 No.3318888

  So that tree is spewing loraxes, back into the universe?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:01:04 No.3318889

  wow 48 comments on a flash that i'm not gonna watch cuz it started out with a bunch of shitty

  stay garbage, /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:01:24 No.3318890

  Precisely. That's why we've been experiencing these curious shit flashes on board.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:03:21 No.3318891

  almost every fucking day there's an event to post japanese memes, songs, or other such shit on /f/
  get used to it

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:06:30 No.3318893

  go fuck yourself and abandon shitty gook culture already

  >hurrrr if i post japanese flash files then i will get squinty eyes and they will accept me into
  their culture desu!!!~~~!!~

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:07:27 No.3318894


>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:13:59 No.3318896

  been here years and it's been shit since day 1

  two nukes was not enough, not even saying this ironically

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:15:02 No.3318898


>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:17:07 No.3318899


>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:27:10 No.3318902

  this is probably one of the most commented on flashes ive ever seen and its just a giant shit
  flinging fest.
  never change, /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:29:54 No.3318903

  beat it newfag

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:41:51 No.3318907


>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:44:26 No.3318908


>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:45:19 No.3318909


>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:45:30 No.3318910

  fuck me

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:46:31 No.3318911

  what shit flashes?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:47:28 No.3318912

  no one is allowed to like anything lol fuck off dude

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:48:07 No.3318913

  This was a p good flash but I wish she actually looked for help to help the spirit in some way
  rather than fucking off

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:48:23 No.3318914

  im high but i think the tree girl is a cancer patient

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:48:33 No.3318915

  showy is a word you fucking dumbass

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:50:07 No.3318916

  a person can have an idea and make something without it having to be some kind of social
  commentary. its easy to call someone simple-minded when you don't understand them, but in this
  case i just think you're a retard

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:50:59 No.3318917

  you find a supernatural loli that obeys you, would you share it or keep it and fuck it

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:51:18 No.3318918

  this board is for japanese flashes lol get out

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)19:53:51 No.3318919

  It's just constant reposting of the same shit over and over again.

>> [_] :v 02/28/18(Wed)20:00:23 No.3318920

  I just want to be a part of this thread and have nothing interesting to contribute.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)20:01:30 No.3318922


  Animation summary pick one;
  a)Too deep for you bait
  c)Animation with no meaning

  Thread summary;
  >This thread is full of fucking autists
  >Andy Warhol already trolled art
  >Everything is art
  >No point trying to find the meaning to this one
  >Clearly covers a wide variety of topics
  >Japanese Culture/Urbanization/Materialization/Sexualization/ect.
  >Rest of /thread
  >Hurr durr it can only mean one everyone else is wrong
  >Everything should be art
  >Nothing should be art
  >I've never been on /f/ before
  >I'm pretending I've been on before
  >autistic screeching

>> [_] ERE NULLΛ 02/28/18(Wed)20:02:32 No.3318923

  Hi :v

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)20:07:37 No.3318924

  stopped reading there

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)20:08:08 No.3318926

  shit guys time to go home

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)20:13:41 No.3318927

  It's shit, son.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)20:30:17 No.3318930

  Taking treehugging to a whole new level.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)20:38:37 No.3318931

  >>Andy Warhol already trolled art

  Bitch, don't you know that the Dadaists were doing that long before that little fruit was even

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)20:42:08 No.3318932

  The difference is Andy Warhol has video footage of him barely keeping himself together trying not
  to laugh when people are interviewing him.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)21:04:55 No.3318936

  this is easily the most autistic post here

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)21:28:21 No.3318939

  i like the music desu

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)21:43:02 No.3318942

  >girl fucks the tree spirit thing
  I tried watching it for this but it took so long and I had to tap out. The "music" was too much
  for me and I wasn't ready to wait. If some anon could repost this with just the interesting bits
  and maybe the audio replaced with anything else it'd be appreciated.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)22:26:45 No.3318950

  Note to self: cut down a tree.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)22:30:27 No.3318951

  >fuck a tree

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)23:27:54 No.3318962

  I'm honestly happy that this managed to get so many replies instead of the shitty race
  bait/political things that normally do. Good job, /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)23:28:06 No.3318963

  >find hapless tree spirit
  >nurse it back to health
  >mecilessluy rape it to death
  >all to music that makes cats fucking sound good

  So this is art?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)23:34:13 No.3318964

  >oh look a water sprite
  >I should have lesbian sex with it


>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)23:35:49 No.3318965


  Wait a minute, I just missed a shitpost.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/18(Wed)23:42:57 No.3318968

  >90 post thread on /f/
  >another shitty youtube rip

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)00:10:19 No.3318970

  wtf were are all the thursgay flashes already???

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)00:11:08 No.3318972

  >ITT /f/, /b/ Edition.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)00:14:55 No.3318973

  Where do you think you are?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)00:27:04 No.3318976

  that's not what that description says at all
  you deserve to be shot for interpreting such a benign definition in such bad faith. That's an
  absurd conclusion.
  >You never mentioned this sliding subjective scale of what is "art" and what is "better art that
  should be in a museum."
  Right, because you sperged out and assumed it was a component of his view. Why did you do that?
  >please define your sliding scale with clear lines & definitions
  Do you know what a "sliding scale" is?

  That being said: wow, the audio quality in this version really IS terrible. It sounds really
  compressed, or something. I forget the word for it, but it's where you cut off the top and the
  bottom of the file and it looks like a rectangle.
  Anyway, those of you who have a problem with the music should look up the proper version on
  swfchan, because the sound is not this bad in all versions. Lo-fi, yes. This bad, no.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)00:30:58 No.3318980

  The Racist Tree: Good End

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)00:38:34 No.3318982

  >I forget the word for it

  The word is shit. It sounds like shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)00:50:11 No.3318984

  Wait so is the sprite a boy or girl and why did she kiss and have sex with it?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)01:02:14 No.3318988

  Thread established it's female. She prolly got horny. After a while of having this thing as her
  friend/slave she developed them feels for it.

  Also whew what an active thread for once, I'm proud of you /f/! Lonely /f/ mod, plz sticky and
  take a spot away from thursgay.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)01:06:17 No.3318989

  >98 posts
  >all useless
  so is this message but w/e
  last time we had this many posts in a single flash was when flash was kill or when the anon
  suicided right? this feels so fucking stupid

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)01:08:12 No.3318990

  >Implying thursgay isnt the pinnacle of /f/ culture

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)01:11:44 No.3318991


  The only time I saw one this big is when we were in a flame war with Zeitgestfag. This one is
  much more interesting reading though.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)01:15:34 No.3318992

  I thought it was nice
  Thanks OP

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)01:17:43 No.3318993

  surprised I havent seen this here before

  good watch tho

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)01:30:59 No.3318999

  >girl was some kind of tree spirit
  >slut wants to raise it like a daughter
  >proceeds to also want to fuck it
  >it dies


>> [_] Rowen frazer is a fag 03/01/18(Thu)01:56:31 No.3319003

  you're welcome

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)02:06:02 No.3319004


  It dying was tied to the shrine finally being fully destroyed, not due to her fucking it.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)02:11:06 No.3319005

  proof plz

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)02:51:55 No.3319008

  great thread really great thread

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)02:54:15 No.3319009

  We get it man, you smoke weed. SO cool man

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)02:54:24 No.3319010


  it happens every month or so i'd say

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)03:13:39 No.3319012

  I doubt this faggot even remembers when /f/ got spammed with long names

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)03:19:16 No.3319013

  I thought it was nice too.

  Tree spirit was clearly a shota dude.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)03:30:28 No.3319017


>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)03:33:47 No.3319018


>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)03:49:22 No.3319021

  >115 replies
  >on /f/
  "wow something good must have happened"
  >just two retards arguing about art
  and fucking a tree loli

  This is why no one comes here anymore

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)04:22:32 No.3319028

  you dont like nature bro?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)04:24:07 No.3319029

  What I saw:
  >urban zoning/restructuring includes demolishing a shrine and cutting down its sacred tree
  >girl having a shit day, clearly depressed, stumbles across the tree's wounded spirit
  >gets feels, takes it home and nurses it back to sorta-health
  >lasts for a few days of summer, during which they have fun
  >girl gets deepfeels for her new friend, does naughty things to it
  >shrine demolition resumes, tree spirit gets terminal once the remains of the tree are cut up
  >girl takes tree spirit back to that cliffside hill where they stargazed and had fun before
  >tree spirit dies as the shrine demolition is completed
  >girl buries tree spirit on that hill
  >time passes, girl is still alone
  >girl travels back to the hill, sees a big tree growing where she buried tree spirit
  >life goes on

  >girl clearly suffers from depression, not only due to the thematic use of heavy rain, but also
  her taking pills and smoking heavily, and the apathetic expression she has on her face any time
  she's not playing with tree spirit
  >themes include: transience, what meaning can be found in a life that is ticking down towards
  death, depression, and the heavy emotional burden of realizing that there are forces in this
  world too big for you to comprehend, let alone control or combat

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)04:26:54 No.3319032

  It still is my fav board though

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)05:09:34 No.3319036

  what is it?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)06:09:39 No.3319041

  Does anybody have music sauce? It sounds like The Octopus Project off of it's meds.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)06:24:22 No.3319044

  Adustam - Lust for summer blues

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)06:26:43 No.3319045

  >Be a depressed convenience store wageslave cuck
  >Find loli tree spirit
  >Corrupt it with your depressed unhealthy lifestyle and mindset
  >loli tree spirit dies
  >bury the dead body where nobody can find it, out of sight, out of mind
  this is about a pedophile who thinks children grow on little trees

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)06:30:58 No.3319046

  4chan is dedicated to japanese culture you mongrel, there is even a board for that, lurk fucking

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)06:34:00 No.3319047

  Under fucking rated

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)07:19:36 No.3319053


>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)07:31:42 No.3319054

  Okay but why did she makeout with and have sex with the kid spirit thing?
  Is this pedophilia?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)07:43:51 No.3319056

  yeah cool great vid that would probably be 20 times better viewed on YOUTUBE

>> [_] Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)08:12:05 No.3319059

Created: 28/2 -2018 18:28:11 Last modified: 1/3 -2018 14:50:21 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:54:58