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This is resource HNXZFM3, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/4 -2018 09:55:10

Ended:15/4 -2018 20:54:54

Checked:15/4 -2018 23:57:16

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: I_cant_decide.swf-(6.52 MB, 550x400, Other)
[_] best flash Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)03:52:02 No.3329407


>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)04:06:21 No.3329410

  I know I shouldn't butI always like it
  the song is good
  it's gay but not cringe gay
  not obnoxious
  it's comfy

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)04:50:03 No.3329416


>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)05:43:55 No.3329419

  I'm a brainlet, can someone explain to me why everyone is alluded to being gay and why they used
  this particular song?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)05:52:06 No.3329422

  i know that Naruto finally ended a few years ago and finally checked out the last episode
  yesterday, ep 500.

  jesus christ the draw style was bad, it is no where near as good looking as i remember it 10
  years ago (or whenever it was just a couple of seasons old). the anime must have suffered
  horrible ratings so they must have changed to a studio that accepted payment in food instead of
  actual money.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)06:21:10 No.3329427

  I take it you haven't seen the infamous episode where Kyuubi fights Pain
  just google it

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)09:42:52 No.3329456

  fucking lol... i think i saw sonic in there.

  also sounds like they changed the voice actors/actresses for some characters, guess there was
  more money needing to be saved.

  here's a link if someone else wanna watch that fight
  googling "Kyuubi fights Pain" gave a lot of AMV results

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)09:51:05 No.3329458

  trying to download an episode of this, gotta listen to the voices. the audio on youtube is
  probably morphed to prevent the bots from flagging the video. at least i hope it's morphed or
  else sakuras new voice is really terrible, haha

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)10:16:13 No.3329460

  ok that fight starts in ep 166 at 18:53, right at the end. much better with the right audio, at
  least Naruto's voice is correct. not sure about the other characters, maybe sakura is the old one
  as well but i cant really remember. naruto's voice there's no mistake in tho.

  166 is far from ep 500, they started with a different draw style long ago. makes me wonder when i
  stopped watching exactly, maybe i never even watched the Shippuuden series

  he wins the fight with his clones and the usual "rasengan!!"... kek, i think i remember why i
  stopped watching

  here's the torrent i used if someone wanna check it out

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)10:23:39 No.3329461

  wtf in Naruto Shippuuden 170 they go back in time to when naruto was younger and still training.
  that filler goes on for several episodes. now i really remember why i stopped watching

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)12:43:44 No.3329488

  It's cringe gay. And obnoxious. But still a good flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/18(Sun)14:49:34 No.3329516

  within anime and related fandoms there are people who ship characters as gay excessively. most of
  the characters in this are common targets of said fanbases. I don't have an answer to the exact
  reason they used this song but welcome to fujoshi.
Created: 15/4 -2018 09:55:10 Last modified: 15/4 -2018 23:57:26 Server time: 21/09 -2024 03:27:50