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This is resource JVM5Q8X, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/12 -2017 04:32:51

Ended:16/12 -2017 21:23:43

Checked:16/12 -2017 22:26:50

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: test1.swf-(8.54 MB, 800x480, Loop)
[_] Dev, finish this! Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)22:29:37 No.3301704

>> [_] Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)22:36:58 No.3301709

  Am I missing something here? It looks like a 1 second gif with a filter over it that doesn't stay
  in sync with the music.
  What are you expecting them to add?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)22:38:27 No.3301713

  Yeah hang on, I've always wondered: how hard could it possibly be to just sync the flash loop
  with the music beat? What's involved?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)22:40:43 No.3301714

  Bordergore and a lack of name.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)22:40:44 No.3301715

  framerates and having a non-shit ear to properly align them

>> [_] Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)22:45:07 No.3301716

  Couldn't you just google the song's BPM, then get a decimal number to divide the frames in the
  loop to sync it perfectly? It couldn't be so hard that every flash ever isn't synced. I mean,

>> [_] Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)22:50:29 No.3301719

  I didn't say it was hard, I just mentioned what you need to take into account to sync. Oh, I
  almost forgot, but also a preloader to ensure it starts at the same time always and doesn't
  desync due to load speeds.

  And yeah, what you mentioned works but at the end you still have to play it by ear a bit. Not
  difficult at all, I don't have flash cs or adobe animate though so I can't do it.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/17(Sat)02:35:22 No.3301778

  gimme a bit im remaking it. i dunno why you like it so much but it's gonna be better. gonna make
  the background in the gif transparent. gonna do this frame by frame cause no one's made a
  transparent background version of this gif yet. yeah i managed to match up her steps with the bpm
  now, so look forward to that too i guess. also swfchan pls come back soon.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/17(Sat)02:59:00 No.3301782

  bruh why the terrible filter and crop? Just put the scene from the episode on a loop, having a
  tiny 800x480 flash kinda sucks to look at desu

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/17(Sat)03:10:07 No.3301785

  filter's gone. it'll be ok lol, it's gonna be like a totally new flash

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/17(Sat)15:21:37 No.3301883

  Good shit, man. Syncing is essential to making a music loop flash satisfying.
Created: 16/12 -2017 04:32:51 Last modified: 16/12 -2017 22:26:53 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:24:55