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This is resource K0SAEPJ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/1 -2018 01:26:37

Ended:22/5 -2018 18:20:34

Checked:22/5 -2018 18:31:44

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 38.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 12574

Age: 127.7d   Health: 0%   Posters: 25   Posts: 38   Replies: 27   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)01:25 No.56081 OP P1

This flash has a shit ton of content, I think the author made a big mistake to not just let people
jump freely to the different scenes. There's so much to click around with but you'd have to wait to
rewatch the intro for example and most people won't do it and miss out on 90% of what this is.
First time I saw it I just got to one scene and thought "oh ok this is it" and then I was done with

Opening it in a flash player with a timeline I discovered that there's a scene-selector on frame 1,
which you normally can't access. This is what made me discover just how much is in this swf and
it's really what the flash should have let us see by default... Without any work I mean,
immediately when the flash loads. No into, no waiting.

Clicking around and discovering things sounds like a good idea but in reality it just means people
miss out. Even those that have the patience to re-watch animations and try lots of different things
will probably miss something. Most guys don't want to jump through hoops when they have their dick

Re-posting on /fap/ both because it deserves it (actually a very good flash with much work put into
it) and to archive what Ctrl-Z said when uploading it to X (not sure where it was first published,
I think I'm quoting a quote).

>I spent around 6 months producing this and many of you will be through with it in a matter of
minutes, which is why I have separated many of the animations and will leave it to your own to find
them all. They are not hidden too difficulty because I want people to actually see them.
>Inspired by retired Playshape's (Bowser's Castle, Legend of Krystal, etc) and Minus8's flash
animations, I wanted to create something similar, mostly because no one else was taking the time to
do so. I do not know if it is up to par with them but I tried my best and worked on this until I
had no patience to look at it any further. Enjoy.

Six months is a lot of time to spend on anything. If anyone know a way to access the scene-selector
frame(s) without using a timeline outside the flash itself please post how!

[IMG] Shadow Transformed.swf (29.17 MiB)
1024x768, Compressed. 80 frames, 60 fps (00:01).
Ver14, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)02:15 No.56082 A P2R1

>crying about degenerate fetishes

What's wrong with you? You some sissy faggot?

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)04:17 No.56084 B P3

Into the trash it goes.

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)04:26 No.56085 C P4R2

The scene selector loads by default if you open it any flash player

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)06:21 No.56086 D P5

Just use the swfchan wrapper timeline

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)11:23 No.56089 E P6R3

Literally go 1 frame forward when opening in Standalone and you'll go to the selector. You must
have not have tried at ALL if this was your only idea.

I remember when CTRL-Z was searching for a way to people to stop right clicking though his flashes.
I never understood why he even bothers, tbh.
Too bad for him, though. I like his style, but I think he focuses on the wrong things. Shame to see
some talent go to waste like this.

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)13:42 No.56091 F P7

CTRL Z is a talentless, autistic attention whore with plethora of fetishes that make /d/ blush. He
is a closet faggot AND tries to pass it off as 'It's humor LOL XD!'

Fuck the author

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)15:02 No.56094 G P8R4

author is over-compensating for a lot of shit. Always draws himself with a massive dick. Probably
has a 2-inch chode.

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)15:49 No.56095 OP P9R5

I was praising the creator, not crying. Maybe you're talking about something in the flash?

Open it in the official offline flash player by Adobe and you'll see that it doesn't go to the
scene selector when the flash is played as intended. You're using something non-standard.

>You must have not have tried at ALL if this was your only idea.
But he did in fact disable the right-click menu so that you can't simply go one frame forward.
Again, I'm looking for ways to access the scene selector using no non-standard methods.

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)15:54 No.56096 OP P10

Ok, you can step one frame forward in Adobe's offline flash player if you use the program menu at
the top (Control > Step Forward). Didn't think about that, only tried right-click. So now the
question is how to access the scene selector using no non-standard methods in your browser. Many
people don't have any specific offline flash players and just use their browser for swf files.

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)16:59 No.56098 H P11R6

Funny how many of you shit about this guys work when 90% have not even come close to dedicating
even 3 months to a single work.

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)19:27 No.56101 I P12R7

That's many people. Sure, I don't like Cronic the Hedgehog enough to actively seek out and fap to
the stuff, but I'll admit when there's effort and genuine talent put into content.

Unfortunately, for ever person willing to Patreon this stuff, there are those who will happily
devour it and then shit on the content creator because reasons.

>> ???? ???? 8jan2018(mo)21:38 No.56107 J P13R8

I have, then gave up. Gamemaking is hell.

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)21:44 No.56109 F P14

>Praising a sonic autist
HAHA oh wow. The faggot animates like some faggot from 2008 era jewgrounds.
Whatever drugs you are on, I'd suggest you to OD on them ASAP

>> Anonymous 11jan2018(th)19:17 No.56164 K P15R9


>> Anonymous 11jan2018(th)19:59 No.56165 L P16R10

only rips of the highest quality

>> Anonymous 13jan2018(sa)13:09 No.56215 M P17R11

you're an absolute retard

>> Anonymous 13jan2018(sa)23:53 No.56223 N P18R12

Anyone know the music track playing on shadow's part when picked first?

>> Anonymous 15jan2018(mo)11:13 No.56254 O P19R13

Dedicated 2-3 years to an associates in CSIT and 3 months into this job.
So far it's gotten me nothing aside from a few alright games that i've nabbed on sale and a meager
understanding of python and java

>> ???? ???? 17jan2018(we)02:41 No.56320 J P20R14


>> Anonymous 18jan2018(th)19:09 No.56372 P P21R15

That's enough out of you Ctrl-Z

>> Anonymous 20jan2018(sa)11:28 No.56429 Q P22R16

Are you just pretending to be some obnoxious /pol/ naziboo or legit retarded?

>> Anonymous 20jan2018(sa)11:56 No.56430 R P23

>Haha I can't refute the point, so I'll call him retarded!

>> Anonymous 20jan2018(sa)12:41 No.56431 S P24R17

All this comments section sissyfighting is keeping this flash pinned to the top. Good job making
this artist famous, fan club!

>> Anonymous 21jan2018(su)00:06 No.56441 T P25R18

good fap, thanks anon

>> Anonymous 21jan2018(su)19:53 No.56467 D P26

said the anon, bumping the thread...

>> Anonymous 23jan2018(tu)01:16 No.56518 T P27

hope he makes a new one soon

>> ???? ???? 23jan2018(tu)01:25 No.56519 J P28R19

More bumping! Yay!

>> Anonymous 23jan2018(tu)12:41 No.56527 U P29R20


>> Anonymous 25jan2018(th)18:07 No.56583 V P30R21

I prefer the first two. Admittedly the first one was a bit lacking in content, but at least the
scenes weren't all just *click the arrow button to go to the next screen of stupid sounds*. I was
honestly gutted when this was what came out after he tried to build hype by waiting so long just
releasing those fucking teasers.

>> Anonymous 27jan2018(sa)22:08 No.56658 T P31R22


>> Anonymous 29jan2018(mo)05:33 No.56702 T P32

any news on a sequel?

>> ???? ???? 29jan2018(mo)23:31 No.56725 J P33R23

No News

>> Anonymous 8feb2018(th)01:04 No.56920 T P34R24

god tier fap

>> Anonymous 12feb2018(mo)09:39 No.56974 T P35


>> Anonymous 13feb2018(tu)14:56 No.57021 W P36R25

I had to use my xamanic skills to find it since the author is a affected self-entitled cunt who is
unable to give source like a decent human being:

>> Anonymous 13feb2018(tu)23:24 No.57028 T P37R26

>crying about having to use google-fu

>> Anonymous 28apr2018(sa)17:56 No.59235 X P38R27

Created: 8/1 -2018 01:26:37 Last modified: 22/5 -2018 21:38:06 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:49:33