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This is resource KFCNLCM, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/2 -2018 04:53:15
6.9 years ago.

Ended:16/2 -2018 20:56:40
6.9 years ago.

Checked:16/2 -2018 21:39:55
6.9 years ago.

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Mr_Jon_Arbuckle.swf-(8 MB, 500x148, Other)
[_] I hate myself. Anonymous 02/15/18(Thu)22:47:29 No.3315872

  Do any of you feel the same way? How do you deal with it?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/15/18(Thu)22:59:46 No.3315876

  Same, senpai.
  Don't let others in your job or personal life give you meaning, take it for yourself. A good way
  to do this is through a hobby or craft. Get back to basics and find something to keep you busy -
  if you liked English in school, work on a book or script, stuff like that.

  Or just try a different board outside of places you usually go. /po/ is a nice 'cheap' hobby, and
  /diy/ can give you ideas for projects or /ck/ can banter about fast food restaurants.

  Find a way to have fun.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/16/18(Fri)02:13:55 No.3315916

  sometimes life sucks. sometimes all the time. but dont feed it.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/16/18(Fri)09:34:49 No.3315940

  a good way of dealing with a crippling existence is to think about what the future may bring in
  general to mankind. even if you are only there as an observer.

  what will we see in VR?
  how will the mars missions go?
  how smart will AI get?
  is crypto currency going to take off seriously?
  will self driving cars come along?
  how will people deal with robots taking their jobs?
  will there be a basic income?
  what's the next revolutionary thing, on scale with what the smart phone brought into our daily
  will lab-grown meat with 100% indistinguishable taste go mainstream?
  will be be able to reverse aging in your lifetime?
  how about installing cyborg implants to enhance your body's abilities?
  micro robots that live in your blood and clean your body from the inside?
  will there be babies born with modded dna to for example have 100 times stronger skin?

  and so forth. myself im looking forward to the day when you can buy a luxury dinner for 7 bucks
  that you pay 45 usd for today at a restaurant. automation will increase the living standard a lot.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/16/18(Fri)09:53:57 No.3315946

  Isn't that kinda a "I'll do it later" attitude?
  I unsubbed from all those science reporters on youtube and facebook because it was always "next
  year" and literal sensationalism and focused more on what we have now.
  The thing is we don't live "next year" so instead of idly looking for a brighter future I do
  something else now.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/16/18(Fri)10:22:04 No.3315951

  Hate other people instead

>> [_] Anonymous 02/16/18(Fri)10:59:55 No.3315955

  that's fine for you but for people living with depression "next year" is all they got.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/16/18(Fri)12:42:42 No.3315969

  yeah, i just go ham on alcohol on the weekends.
  Even though its not that healthy i have something to look forward to during the week. keep it
  going man, maybe we need you some day.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/16/18(Fri)14:52:22 No.3315981

  Fuck up, retard.
  If you really have depression, you can barely say you'll last till next week... But then the
  weekend rolls over and you either slept the entire time or got so drunk you don't remember.
  Before I moved away from home, I never looked into the future, and I encouraged people to do the
  same. I was so fucking happy, dude. I got arrested for shit I didn't even do and got anxious as
  fuck when I heard people outside my place, in case the police were going to kick down my door and
  steal all my shit again. Now I've got bills and shit and need to make sure I can fucking pay them.

  Live now. Fuck the future.

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Created: 16/2 -2018 04:53:15 Last modified: 16/2 -2018 21:40:29 Server time: 10/01 -2025 21:56:03