Archived flashes:
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Happy New Year!

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This is resource KJM1FCI, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/12 -2017 21:22:37

Ended:31/12 -2017 05:01:46

Checked:31/12 -2017 07:33:53

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: guitar brother.swf-(6.21 MB, 1280x720, Japanese)
[_] something else のこ 12/30/17(Sat)15:16:38 No.3304711

  i literally just threw it together, havent tested it yet, we'll see if it loops well, oh well if

>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)15:31:40 No.3304713

  do us a favor and download adobe flash or just fuck off to /wsg/

>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)15:56:07 No.3304716

  be nice, faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)16:00:07 No.3304717

  go back to ---> /fgt/

>> [_] のこ 12/30/17(Sat)16:19:14 No.3304720

  or, i could continue to make shitty content so more people are exposed to it, and just to spite
  faggots like you.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)17:40:46 No.3304746

  Don't go down that lonely road, OP.
  Use Adobe CS5, it's not that hard.
  I like to use swfchan tools as much as the next inept anon, but using Flash really is easy for a
  simple thing as a good loop.
  Here's a detailed step by step guide
  have fun

>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)19:00:55 No.3304762

  ...oi oi, at least put the visual and audio source at the bottom. Even if its a half baked

>> [_] のこ 12/30/17(Sat)19:06:40 No.3304764

  Still haven't learned how...

  But the song is はくちゅーむ(hakuchuumu) by BPM15Q and the video is a clip from ナイスの森 (funky forest)

>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)19:07:44 No.3304765

  >he expects from a lazyy videorip to have a sauce
  not with this one, anon

>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)19:21:48 No.3304769

  thank you.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)21:53:14 No.3304787

  >havent tested it yet
  >we'll see if it loops well
  please at least fully test your swfs before you upload them. i dont mind your flashes at all but
  i dont like the idea of broken shit to bump off other non-broken swf files from /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)22:23:30 No.3304792

  but what if I'm an attention whore like OP who think I'm the hottest shit in the board by posting
  half-baked shit tier loops??
Created: 30/12 -2017 21:22:37 Last modified: 31/12 -2017 07:33:56 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:21:50