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This is resource MOJEA3F, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:10/2 -2018 11:32:47

Ended:11/2 -2018 03:32:54

Checked:11/2 -2018 03:55:41

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 30.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: awoo.mpeg.swf-(9.93 MB, 712x400, Other)
[_] awoo awoo Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)05:30:51 No.3314309

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)10:15:17 No.3314348


  He's a traitor for conspiring with the Russians to attack America.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)11:07:33 No.3314350

  >Triggered by awoo
  Trump was the better choice mate, not bout to let Shillary ruin our country especially with the
  clandestine things she's been behind along with innocents that died looking into her and her
  husband. You're gonna like these 3 years and be a good American about it or a be a child and
  obsess over a narrative built by the MSM and Democrats.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)11:29:50 No.3314355

  Are you my dad?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)11:37:51 No.3314356

  >3 years
  it's gonna be 7, m8

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)11:41:42 No.3314357

  It'll be 3 years before they come around and realize how good we have it

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)12:09:35 No.3314360

  trump sucks, just saying...

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)12:21:09 No.3314362

  Hillary would've sucked more, just saying and we're blessed we don't have to ever find out

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)12:57:39 No.3314368

  Man, I don't think I can debate against you with solid facts and evidence as yours.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)13:14:18 No.3314373

  I wonder if the nunes memo would make a good flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)13:15:04 No.3314374

  >not bout to let Shillary ruin our country especially with the clandestine things she's been
  behind along with innocents that died looking into her and her husband.
  >Actually believing this shit
  Goddamn, son. I bet you think the FBI is full of liberals who hate America, too.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)13:15:45 No.3314375


>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)13:32:46 No.3314379

  No, she's actually a capable statesman.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)15:36:01 No.3314407


>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)15:51:18 No.3314409

  this is good stuff anon

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:37:03 No.3314421

  >this flash again
  >over a dozen replies, every single time
  Incredible, and yet not once can anyone link to a collection of all the Momiji edits

  Lim Kim - "Awoo"

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:33 No.3314429

  Always good to see this comfy af flash here, and then see all the triggered lefty trash replies.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:11:47 No.3314430

  You're not my wife's son!

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:12:52 No.3314431

  lmao doubt that, libtards seem to lack awareness beyond their stupidity.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:52:32 No.3314445

  Momiji didn't deserve this.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)18:07:56 No.3314447

  You mean a sheet filled with lies that damages national security?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)18:18:47 No.3314452

  /f/ is infected with trannies and homos, thats why here are anti-trumplettes.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)19:40:18 No.3314492

  hahaha look at this loser, look at him and laugh.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)20:39:39 No.3314512

  Just letting you know what the rest of humanity is like, bro.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)21:03:38 No.3314522

  >when trump makes left care about the country suddenly

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)21:05:10 No.3314524

  just because this shit new to you

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)21:26:18 No.3314531

  The Lefties lied, people died, Trump doesn't have to comply

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)21:27:19 No.3314532

  if you're the only one laughing, it wasn't funny.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)21:28:21 No.3314533

  You're right.

  >that res is way too small for awoo

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)21:32:12 No.3314535

  >rightists rekt yet again
Created: 10/2 -2018 11:32:47 Last modified: 11/2 -2018 03:55:47 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:57:25