File: Tipsy.swf-(3.41 MB, 500x335, Loop)
[_] Happy New Year Izaki 12/30/17(Sat)22:22:51 No.3304791
Here's to another year of our dead board!
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)22:26:35 No.3304794
I see tayne, I bump
> Happy New Year
you too
> Here's to another year of our
Yeah cheers
> dead board
fuck off faggot
>> [_] Izaki 12/30/17(Sat)22:32:00 No.3304796
I was hoping an "/s" wouldn't be necessary here, anon...
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)22:41:00 No.3304799
I was also joking :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/17(Sat)22:43:48 No.3304801
goes great with some chocolate chip cookos