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This is resource Q25LB6X, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/12 -2017 18:30:32

Ended:18/12 -2017 03:09:10

Checked:18/12 -2017 03:33:02

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Dr Katz - [Alibi].swf-(9.95 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 12/17/17(Sun)12:26:30 No.3302034

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/17(Sun)15:49:09 No.3302074

  i like these daily katz uploads on /f/. i never watch much of the show on my own even though i
  enjoy it.

  if i had one request it would be that you increased the audio bitrate and lowered the frame rate
  and visual bitrate to still keep it around 10 MiB. most of the visuals movement is just the lines
  wiggling in the same place, the show is all about the speech so it's worth it to put more data
  into audio.

  speech doesn't need much bitrate but i can still hear that it's a bit too low. try increasing it
  and turning it into mono audio if it isnt already to make it even clearer for the same bitrate,
  there's no need for stereo audio in speech

>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/17(Sun)16:12:26 No.3302079

  Does setting it as mono really increase the quality? or is that only true at lower rates.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/17(Sun)17:15:30 No.3302096

  it increases it since there's just one audio stream that gets all the bitrate. in stereo you need
  two audio streams.

  sometimes in some stereo formats if it is exactly the same audio on both channels it will only
  put the bytes on 1 channel but if there are even slight differences between the channels it will
  need to put bytes on both channels

>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/17(Sun)20:44:38 No.3302193

  why is this so jewish

>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/17(Sun)21:08:16 No.3302196

  hmm, that is very interesting
  I appreciate your explanations and would like a better understanding of this stuff
  granted i've learned alot and improved alot over the years but still there is so much I don't
  understand about this stuff

  are conversational voices always 1 channel or can they also be 2 channel?
  and what happens when you encode dual channel audio in mono? a drop in quality? or is that only
  at decent (higher) bitrates?
  does doing mono give me literally double the bit rate but with a decline in quality for any
  stereo audio (like music during the cut scenes)?
Created: 17/12 -2017 18:30:32 Last modified: 18/12 -2017 03:33:08 Server time: 05/11 -2024 11:39:57