File: lolicatgirls.swf-(2.54 MB, 512x384, Hentai)
[_] Change the /f/ banner Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)13:58:30 No.3322145
Who wants to change the /f/ banner? As you can see on a
better banner lost by 1 vote, could we have a revote or just have them change it to the second
one? The poll was mostly voted on by people who don't even come here regularly.
Maybe we could have them change it to rotate through the banners that got at least a certain
number of votes?
Please fill out a feedback form along the lines of "Change the /f/
banner please!" and file it under "Board Suggestion".
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)14:04:13 No.3322147
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)15:31:33 No.3322153
when was this stuff voted for?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)15:47:14 No.3322155
The contest was held somewhere in august 2016 (because I still have the project saved for my
banner with that date) and only anons who had 4chan pass could vote
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)17:16:15 No.3322169
No thanks
The last thing /f/ needs is more attention
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)18:16:09 No.3322180
/jp/ truly has the best banner
>> [_] M-Non 03/12/18(Mon)18:28:10 No.3322181
the top 2 banners are both absolute garbage. i want the third one
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)18:45:35 No.3322187
youre a niggerfaggot
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)19:42:11 No.3322197
Why didn't pol get a banner ;_;
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)20:27:48 No.3322207
so then say you'd like a revote or the third one.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)21:05:50 No.3322212
>/pol/ didn't get a a banner
/pol/ BTFO
Beyond that, really, shitty banners dominated.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)21:12:21 No.3322213
>The poll was mostly voted on by people who don't even come here regularly.
This is true for every banner. Quite a few boards are represented by memes and even posts from
other boards. It was a total failure in many regards.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)21:21:50 No.3322217
and here's a chance to tell them you want it changed
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)22:19:18 No.3322237
got a lot of ron paul banners
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)23:11:35 No.3322246
I've always been a fan of the /diy/ banner.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)23:14:59 No.3322249
total is going to far because a lot of them are pretty fitting. /biz/ was on the money with
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)23:15:20 No.3322250
The top two are good. Plus best not to let the rest of 4chan be aware of the local culture, it
makes it harder for the to pretend they belong here.
At least we didn't get stuck with the Nazi Frog one.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)23:18:13 No.3322251
did you even see the second one for /biz/? it was much better
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)23:19:49 No.3322252
as someone who frequents the board I'd say the first one is much better. the board motto after
all is buy high sell low like a real investor.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/18(Mon)23:21:07 No.3322253
oh wait I thought you wrote /diy/, sorry