Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource ST2D7PQ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/1 -2018 09:13:07

Ended:28/1 -2018 01:53:02

Checked:28/1 -2018 02:22:51

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 34.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: just howlin'.swf-(1.07 MB, 450x360, Loop)
[_] Flash is dead Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)03:07:37 No.3311180

  >Newfags and autists hate thursgay
  >Oldfags leaving in boatloads
  >Touhou tuesday next on the chopping block
  >Hundreds of namefags, and the only good ones rarely stick around
  >I rarely see anything new
  >No one cares
  >Great job guys

  nothing is sacred

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] !Wulf.Eb.mY 01/27/18(Sat)03:20:04 No.3311182

  baka senpai squad y u gotta throw shade at peeps like dat? dont u kno da wae??????

  Even if flash dies, I'll still have my hordes of swf I've saved and my standalone player until I

>> [_] !Wulf.Eb.mY 01/27/18(Sat)03:22:12 No.3311183

  Woah wait what, when did we get word filters again?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)03:27:49 No.3311185

  I fuckin miss oldfag flash. anyone wanting to get rid of thursgay is killing this board.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)03:27:51 No.3311186

  I've hated Thursgay since it started. You're the newfag if you like it.

  t. been visiting /f/ since 2009. Almost a decade at this point, holy Christ.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)03:29:59 No.3311188

  2011fag here

  Am I oldfag yet

>> [_] のこ 01/27/18(Sat)03:33:52 No.3311191

  whatever candyass

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)03:42:19 No.3311194

  Living proof that cancer can go undetected for years at a time

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)03:45:26 No.3311196

  Fuck off Roody Poo

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)03:58:09 No.3311199

  >oldfags are the new newfags

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)06:35:11 No.3311210

  >I rarely see anything new
  >No one cares
  >Great job guys
  Funny how you never see someone posting OC while making one of these "flash is stale / flash is
  dead" posts.
  If you'd rather complain than contribute, you're only helping it die.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)07:49:20 No.3311218

  I'm not complaining
  I'm just howlin'

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)12:48:03 No.3311259


>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)12:51:33 No.3311260

  Thursgay is faggotry and isn't even old like Touhou tuesday. It's as shit as fags that tried to
  force furry friday over a decade back.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)13:06:33 No.3311264

  >Newfags and autists hate thursgay
  That has nothing to do with Flash; it's specific to /f/ and furthermore the thursgay flashes are
  all converted youtube videos.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)13:12:49 No.3311266

  death announcement because i just don't want them lost to time.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)13:52:13 No.3311274

  >>Touhou tuesday next on the chopping block
  I fucking hope so. You people deserve to be chased off of /f/ with your shitty fucking Youtube

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)14:14:48 No.3311279

  many touhou flashes aren't youtube videos though

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)14:28:18 No.3311284

  >tumblr gif with music

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)14:35:07 No.3311287

  You could argue that, but many that aren't Youtube videos are usually reposted to the point of
  redundancy. Even then, the ones that ARE Youtube videos (or nicovideo, there's almost no
  difference) are either god awful 3d animations that are modeled straight off of existing skits or
  videos (my second biggest gripe with the Touhou fanbase) or weebshit that you can't read because,
  to the average Touhoufag's surprise, Americans can't read Japanese. This kind of garbage makes
  about 40 - 60% of the Toupoo fanmade content.

  They're a thorn to /f/, and no matter how much you try to push them to one day or regulate their
  content, they will cease to pay attention to /f/'s overall quality and drag it down significantly.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)14:40:51 No.3311288

  is that why you've never contributed anything?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)15:41:11 No.3311297

  Miku Monday should be next

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)16:29:44 No.3311314

  The answer is easy. ALWAYS post an opening ceremony thread at the beginning of Thursgay, dump
  your folder inbetween, and then Closing Ceremony. Remember these words, anon, ASS WE CAN.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)17:09:07 No.3311327

  Touhou has always been shit, monday should be mongolian not miku

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)17:25:16 No.3311331

  Thursgay is old enough to be considered an /f/ tradition. At least, people still visited this
  board back then.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)18:12:41 No.3311341

  faggot nigger

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)18:21:18 No.3311343

  >trade shit with another shit

  youtuberips are source of all shit that /f/'s swimming in right now

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)18:24:03 No.3311345

  /f/ has been the worst board for a while now with only shitty people hanging around. miku touhou
  aniki have been dead memes in japan for years and years yet is still a sensation here because
  these dumb rednecks don't know any better. do yourself a favor and keep up with culture, retards.

  also, these dead memes are STILL better than the other shit that gets posted here. that only
  proves how shitty /f/ is.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)18:32:07 No.3311348

  Hey baby you got some smash??????

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)18:33:34 No.3311349

  do u know da wy?
  *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*
  *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*
  *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*
  *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*
  *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*
  *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*
  *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)18:57:45 No.3311357

  >dead meme
  poor bait

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)19:06:30 No.3311360


>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)19:43:06 No.3311364

  fake news

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)19:50:44 No.3311369

  >/f/ has been the worst board
  >only shitty people hanging around
  >miku touhou aniki have been dead memes in japan
  >these dumb rednecks don't know any better
  >shitty /f/
Created: 27/1 -2018 09:13:07 Last modified: 28/1 -2018 02:22:57 Server time: 21/09 -2024 03:20:02