File: Reflecting.swf-(1.18 MB, 549x315, Loop)
[_] Bored :l :v 01/20/18(Sat)21:43:31 No.3309726
Spend all week wanting to not be at work only to come home and be bored out of my mind :L
Oddly enough it seems like /f/ is less active on weekends. Do most /f/-rens have lives?
Paint me a typical Saturday night - Sunday morning /f/
What do you do?
What do you wish you could do?
>Blog posting commence!
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/18(Sat)22:06:17 No.3309731
do chores, maybe play games, go to church, maybe watch a movie with internet friends or
something, stay up late and maybe have a few drinks, sleep in sunday morning, wake up and work
out, lurk /f/, maybe work on something programming related to try and stay sharp
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/18(Sat)22:08:05 No.3309733
I wish I was married with kids so I could have a fulfilling weekend with family instead though.
Taking steps toward this starting next week when I'm not tethered to being on call
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/18(Sat)22:35:01 No.3309738
those posts were so normie that i think i'm gonna vomit
>> [_] のこ 01/20/18(Sat)22:35:15 No.3309739
evening, :v
ive noticed that too, weird huh?
a typical saturday night - sunday morning for me is going to my dads to get stoned, come home,
drink my weekly crown or just get even more stoned, fuck around on /f/ until 3 in the am watching
movies or yt music videos. sunday i wake up at noon in a stupor and check /f/ to see whats new.
might clean, but doubtful. cook a lil something, listen to tunes, might do something creative
like make shitty flash or draw shitty drawings. might go to my dads again for a joint.
this weekend was a little different. its one of the rare times i get to see my daughter, so ive
been very busy all day. apparently "pleb" has entered into her vocabulary. shes only 7 years old.
idk how i feel about this..... only thing about being an oldfag that sucks is the getting old
what do i wish i could do? i wouldnt chage too much, drink/smoke less, clean more, work on
hobbies that didnt include dying formats. make friends offline. reconnect with old friends. that
sort of stuff.
hope your night isnt too boring, but at least we still have each other <3
beware tho. getting married and having kids is all fun and games until she leaves you for a chad
and takes your kids away just to have you pay copious amounts of child support just to not see
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/18(Sat)22:47:41 No.3309740
tomoko is love
tomoko is life
>> [_] :v 01/20/18(Sat)22:48:52 No.3309741
Sounds p chill
>church tho
ikr but don't try and pretend you wouldn't give it all up for a blissful normie life if you could
>we're too far down the aspy well
Children terrify me, I was one once I know how they think.
uhuhuhu offline friends are for suckers.
>> [_] のこ 01/20/18(Sat)23:04:41 No.3309742
that they are /f/ren. that they are.
but honestly, its not the kids that scare me. its the teenagers. ive only got 5 more years until
dealing with that fuck shit. fucking little bastards.
>> [_] :v 01/20/18(Sat)23:11:39 No.3309745
Just keep it off youtube and away from tide pods apparently
>there is no joke a bulletin on how to deal with adolescents who ingest detergent pods floating
around the hospital
>It's pretty much the standard poisoning protocol but stiillll
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/18(Sat)23:14:08 No.3309747
Who can resist those delectable nuggets of pure ecstasy, :v?
On a side note, I noticed you can scroll the credits beneath the flash. Possible secret spot?
>> [_] :v 01/20/18(Sat)23:17:12 No.3309749
I wish I was that clever... I just wanted to make a little loop today.
But...thanks for the idea
>> [_] のこ 01/20/18(Sat)23:24:24 No.3309750
>keep it off youtube
too late. while she was playing minecraft earlier tonight, she pretended that she was making a
lets play and named her horse "it's funneh" off of one of the most cringyest youtubers out there.
i feel like a failure as a father.
>> [_] :v 01/20/18(Sat)23:26:07 No.3309751
get her on a public server
grief her with incredibly specific taunts, and force her off the internet, It's the only way
>> [_] のこ 01/20/18(Sat)23:36:29 No.3309754
>save her from the internet
>save the internet from her
you, sir, are brilliant. truly a gentleman and a scholar.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)00:05:45 No.3309755
Tomoko is my waifu.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)00:05:48 No.3309756
Elite NEET here, 21 years old and I actually have a job interview on monday
Hoping it goes well to be honest, having started playing F:GO recently I want to stop relying on
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)00:30:00 No.3309764
I spent most of this weekend doing recreational studying and taking care of my son and daughter.
Most weekends I just chill around the house, and since it's the only time the kids get access to
videogames I can watch and play with them at my leisure, or just leave them alone and take care
of chores.
Now what I wish I could do is finally finish learning Japanese, this language will be the death
of me I swear. I've been at it for half a year now and I still can only barely begin to read.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)00:40:51 No.3309765
I spend all of my time on the computer trying to read through all of the shit I open. I get
sidetracked and don't close it because I know I'll forget about it if I do, or I save it in
bookmarks I rarely - if ever - use.
I have over 600 tabs open. It's down from what it originally was - 800 - but worse that what it
was on some of my other computers - over 300. It feels like I'm wasting my life, just trying to
absorb the information in them. Some of this shit I don't care about much and was just mildly
interested in, but I don't close them because the thing that I'm reading is taking up all of my
I wish I could become great. I wish that I can make original content. I wish I didn't waste my
fucking time, I wish I finally cleaned up my room. I wish things just worked and I wish that I
didn't have to read all of this shit.
I wish that things lasted forever and I have an infinite amount of time to get through them, and
that I could absorb stuff fast enough to close more tabs than I open, then archive them for other
people to enjoy.
It feels like I'm in a hole I'm never going to get out of.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)00:41:54 No.3309767
Also, I fucking love Tomoko.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)00:42:48 No.3309768
Sleep the week off, maybe do some work on my vector backlog, put a movie on in the background
while I build another model, tray and figure out what the fuck I want to do with my life before I
fall asleep.
I wish I could go back to Osaka. Great food, great city, great fun. Its only been a week and I
miss it like fire already.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)00:43:25 No.3309769
Eh, unless I have specific plans with friends to hang or do some shit, it's basically this:
1. Buy a 12-pack of some strong 8% IPA at 5PM sharp (cause you gotta wait to 5PM to not be an
2. Drink those 12 IPAs while dicking around on the youtoobs and drunkposting on fourchan
3. Regret not getting a case of IPAs once you've finished them around 9PM
4. Finish that bottle of 12 year single malt scotch you got just three days ago and pass out in
time for midnight
5. Wake up sometime Sunday morning with a nigh-crippling headache
6. Do the maths to show that your alcohol consumption could easily pay for a lease on a 5-series
7. Lay in bed depressed that your life choices are a downward spiral that ends in liver failure
or homelessness
8. Wait until 5PM to buy another 12-pack to help you forget your terrible life choices
I wish I could move closer to the ocean. I don't like swimming that much, but walking on the
shore and smelling the sea breeze is one of the few things that consistently gives me peace.
>> [_] のこ 01/21/18(Sun)00:44:41 No.3309770
頑張ってよ! 君なら出来るよ! 勉強! 勉強! 勉強!
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)01:21:10 No.3309780
I'm doing my best anon, even if I did have to look up 君なら. Thanks for the encouragement.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)01:38:41 No.3309788
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)01:39:51 No.3309790
>Cuz I got $5.45 and it's 5:45--can I get a whopper and a 40-right, yea I know u fukken feel
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)02:03:25 No.3309796
Oh shit was that queeblo?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)02:04:07 No.3309797
>beware tho. getting married and having kids is all fun and games until she leaves you for a chad
and takes your kids away just to have you pay copious amounts of child support just to not see
It's among some of my greater fears, but even that awful fate is preferable to never having kids
at all. Gotta out-breed the normies lest they make us extinct.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)02:12:28 No.3309798
I think so, is that the same dudes who did the Washington song?
>Washington, Washing-ton, 6'4" weighs a fucking ton
>12-year single malt scotch
Isn't that a pretty expensive whiskey? How do you even afford that?
Enjoy some soothing waves and get some help soon.
>> [_] のこ 01/21/18(Sun)02:19:36 No.3309801
sir or madam*
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)04:03:20 No.3309822
Saturday night: D&D 5e game till about midnight, come home, fap
Sunday morning: Coffee and news, If nothing important to do that day, smoke weed till I go to
bed. Once a month I play a Pathfinder game on Sundays.
I shitpost on 4chan all week while at work, so I tend not to visit as much on the weekend.
>> [_] :v 01/21/18(Sun)04:43:32 No.3309829
So by most of these replies I can deduce that most of /f/ spends the weekend drinking and or
blazed. Followed by existential crisis and finishing up with distraction.
>Sounds about right
>> [_] gravelord 01/21/18(Sun)04:48:40 No.3309830
And posting dank OC
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)05:18:21 No.3309832
Hi /f/riend how is life?
>> [_] :v 01/21/18(Sun)05:22:11 No.3309833
Sleepy, but can't complain right now.
Everything is kinda beige and just sort of happening ya know?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)05:27:29 No.3309834
Hope luck goes in your way /f/riend
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)08:36:13 No.3309845
i missed your content :V ^_^