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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6. Discovered flash files: 1 File: ExtraChromosomers.swf-(9.87 MB, 420x314, Loop) [_] Extra Chromosomers Anonymous 01/15/18(Mon)13:20:39 No.3308428 I'd say by about 50 on the 23'd pair. No not a new gender Bill Nye the libtarded virtue signaling feelings guy - just retarded - like you - but in a better way that is justified by objective reality. >> [_] Anonymous 01/15/18(Mon)14:36:05 No.3308434 fucking LOL >> [_] Anonymous 01/15/18(Mon)14:43:33 No.3308435 >>3308428 I'd have a few bunch of extra chromosomes if I were this happy in my life >> [_] Anonymous 01/15/18(Mon)14:47:21 No.3308437 Wtf is this retarded shit m8? >> [_] Anonymous 01/15/18(Mon)16:38:37 No.3308457 WITEY MAD CANT MOVE LIKE US LOLL >> [_] Anonymous 01/15/18(Mon)20:12:23 No.3308527 >>3308457 Sincewhenwasthisaboutrace?Clearly,youmissedthetopicofconversationbyafuckingmile.Typi calblackguy,alwayshavingtomakethingsaboutthecolorofyourskin,andnotaboutwhatpeopleare tryingtoconvey.IguessIcankindofunderstandyoursituationifItrytoputmyselfinyourshoesfo raFemtosecond.Afterall-Blackmales-whoamounttoroughly7.5%ofthetotalUSPopulation,arere sponsiblefor50ish%oftheTotalMurderrate!(yettheycomplainaboutthe1/10thofthe%fromcopsw herenotevenallofthoseinstanceswereaboutrace...LAWL)Thenlookatthewelfareacceptancerat eunderObamasincehiselection...wentupashitton...andnownearly7/10BlackpeopleintheUSare onsomeformofwelfare!ALLthat,WELLAFTERthecivilrightsmovement,andotheranti-whiteracist legislationbeingpassedontopofalltheanti-blacklawbeingremoved!It'shilariousevenmorewh enyouunderstandthattheblackcommunityweredoingBETTERoverall BEFORE the civil rights movement was passed! So more actual racism by law = better results? You figure that one out! Otherwise, what would be left in your life to show others what you amounted to if we were able to take all of that race bullshit completely out of the equation? When I really think about it, I am fairly certain black people will never want true racial equality. Why? Because their proverbial security blanket of "if I really fuck up in my life, I can just blame YT, and no one will hold me responsible!!" will be gone! Yeah I get it Mr. Black man. I'm clearly just an angry white guy(I'm actually from Spain) who is insulting the people in the video, and not a virtue signaling sell out puppet IDIOT LIAR that was mentioned in the original post above. Good for you. You figured it all out. 4D chess Trump ain't got shit on you. Godzilla would step out of the fucking way if you came walking down the street. You go... you! |