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This is resource V1MDJZ6, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/2 -2018 02:46:13
7 years ago.

Ended:23/2 -2018 07:38:21
7 years ago.

Checked:23/2 -2018 13:39:59
7 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: flow.swf-(46 KB, 800x400, Game)
[_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)20:42:13 No.3317488

>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)21:44:30 No.3317494

  Always fun, though I wish there were an actual ending rather than just killing your clone and
  then going back up to the title.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)21:50:20 No.3317496

  Like a "rescue your mother ending" or something else? This game has more arcade style play and no
  real storyline. I'd rather see an endless mode with more upgrades.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)21:53:40 No.3317498

  the ps3/4 version has different variations of what you can play as

>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)22:30:33 No.3317513

  im not a rocket scientist but here's an ending that took me a minute to come up with:

  when you get to the deepest depth (black) the game continues and you go up again. at the highest
  levels the intro logo and text are replaced with some philosophical bullshit text that make you
  reflect on life.

  when you're back at the start screen there's a new portal that advances further up. the "camera"
  stays at the current depth though and fades to a light blue screen. then white clouds fade in
  (could be audio of birds too if the flash wasnt mute) and loop forever as you now realize you are
  watching the sky and have evolved to something on land, the end.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)22:32:18 No.3317514

  Just like, a short little thing that tells you you've won. "A winner is you" or something along
  those lines. Something to actually acknowledge the game is over. I remember the first time I beat
  I wandered around on the bottom level for like, 3 minutes thinking I was missing something.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)22:32:39 No.3317515

  should clarify that "the game continues" = there are new and more dangerous enemies on the old
  screens on the way back up

>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/18(Thu)22:53:19 No.3317519

  It's just not the same without the music and sfx though.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/18(Fri)01:34:44 No.3317546

  Didn't you upload some game like this a few weeks ago? That one was pretty disappointing.

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Created: 23/2 -2018 02:46:13 Last modified: 23/2 -2018 13:40:12 Server time: 15/03 -2025 05:43:31