File: SadWolf.swf-(1.46 MB, 512x384, Other)
[_] Awoo posting Anonymous 02/02/18(Fri)22:45:49 No.3312781
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/03/18(Sat)03:36:49 No.3312842
>sad the the Democraps are being such meanie-poopoo heads
>> [_] Anonymous 02/03/18(Sat)04:58:32 No.3312851
awww :(
shit, i mean awoooooo :O
>> [_] Anonymous 02/03/18(Sat)06:19:02 No.3312857
This is me looking for company.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/03/18(Sat)11:35:10 No.3312899
youll get one annon dont worry
>> [_] Anonymous 02/03/18(Sat)11:38:30 No.3312900
Also, sauce on music used? changing the window didnt work
>> [_] Anonymous 02/03/18(Sat)11:39:53 No.3312901
>what's new
They win and get to celebrate and push an agenda down our throats through all forms of media.
It's only appropriate we shy from their narcissism even if the difference is a hair, it still
makes all the difference when weeding out the corrupt virtue signalers among the elite.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/03/18(Sat)13:42:44 No.3312917
She shouldn't have backed a traitor who is trying to destroy America.