Archived flashes:
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This is resource XK6X941, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/1 -2018 07:07:52

Ended:27/1 -2018 02:33:43

Checked:27/1 -2018 04:00:25

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Hat HD.swf-(3.26 MB, 1600x900, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)01:05:59 No.3310908

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)01:07:27 No.3310909

  get off 4chan you fuckin homo

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)01:12:38 No.3310913

  leave hat out of this

>> [_] !Wulf.Eb.mY 01/26/18(Fri)01:54:23 No.3310924

  Oh look it's the version everyone says is botnet

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)01:55:49 No.3310925

  Flash itself is already a botnet.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)02:19:41 No.3310927

  Disgusting. Anime sickens me.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)03:22:40 No.3310932

  We can’t have this. It’s damaging us

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)03:40:52 No.3310933

  yeah i thought robot jox was a good movie, and i recommend it to everyone

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)05:20:18 No.3310940

  flash on it's own isn't a botnet
  It is however when someone purposely writes down the script to be a botnet

  in each AMM flashes there is one becasue that finnish cunt "wants to know how many times her
  flashes get reposted"

  One of her flashes with a botnet is also Moses_Supposes.swf which is a shame really

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)14:43:00 No.3311016

  not moses_supposes.swf... I love that one!!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)15:50:47 No.3311034

  Birdmania_Reach.swf and Yume_Nikki_Secret_Theater suffer the same fate

>> [_] !Wulf.Eb.mY 01/26/18(Fri)16:21:15 No.3311040

  It's pretty easy to remove it, but what's the point when everyone is just going to post the old
  ones anyway.

  I removed it for this one and people still post this version.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/18(Fri)17:05:41 No.3311047

  Now post the five different kinds of snorkel and we will be set.

>> [_] Let's not be Anon today. 01/26/18(Fri)20:30:54 No.3311099

  You guys are just a big olde' belly full of jelly, Hat HD, along with Nya_Nya are like the two
  most recognizable flashes on /f/, anyone who says otherwise is living in a dream. Also they're
  pretty good sooo.
Created: 26/1 -2018 07:07:52 Last modified: 27/1 -2018 04:00:50 Server time: 21/09 -2024 01:06:14