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Happy New Year!

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This is resource XLBF0LY, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/1 -2018 11:00:06

Ended:1/6 -2018 04:54:59

Checked:1/6 -2018 05:07:51

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 12618

Age: 122.74d   Health: 0%   Posters: 20   Posts: 23   Replies: 22   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 22jan2018(mo)10:55 No.56487 OP P1

[IMG] Talking horse fucking bird.swf (7.65 MiB)
352x288, Uncompressed. 5517 frames, 15 fps (06:08).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 22jan2018(mo)11:00 No.56488 A P2R1

God no, why I have to remember this. Why can't we delete memories?

>> Anonymous 22jan2018(mo)11:27 No.56491 B P3R2

I am confushon, amerika explan

>> Anonymous 22jan2018(mo)12:39 No.56492 C P4R3

Life, uh, finds a way.

>> Anonymous 22jan2018(mo)12:55 No.56494 D P5R4

This is proof that god or aliens don't exist otherwise they would've nuked us from existence by now

>> Anonymous 22jan2018(mo)13:28 No.56495 E P6R5

This is one of those moments where I question why do we even exist.

>> Anonymous 4feb2018(su)04:57 No.56850 F P7R6


>> Anonymous 4feb2018(su)05:19 No.56851 G P8R7

Meh, I liked Beef Curtains more

>> shingo 4feb2018(su)07:46 No.56853 H P9R8

Syka blyat, WTF, )))

>> ???? ???? 4feb2018(su)22:20 No.56861 I P10R9

What the fuck.

>> Anonymous 5feb2018(mo)08:21 No.56869 J P11R10

this is what acid is like

>> Anonymous 5feb2018(mo)21:26 No.56875 K P12R11

Why someone would animate something like this nowadays with patreons and all kinds of furry,
zoophilia fetishes is not really a question, but why anyone would made this kind of shit many years
ago?... it is a bizzare case and a very ugly one, this can easily traumatize any unfortunate
internet newbie, who somehow stumbles upon it. Anyway, let this thread die, there's nothing to
discuss over here.

>> Anonymous 6feb2018(tu)03:45 No.56880 L P13R12

can you explain why you want this thread to die?

>> Anonymous 6feb2018(tu)08:48 No.56886 M P14R13

everyday we drift farther from god's light

>> Anonymous 7feb2018(we)01:40 No.56898 N P15R14

Really, IMPLYING, that all these fucked up fetishes and mentalities just surfaced in
[[currentYear]] and were not always present in the minds of humans.
True, back then there weren't hundreds of people living off that on patreon, but guess one guy got
his lucky call to have this made.
Animation is just a very recent thing compared to still images, but even in the times of black&w
hite animation, such cartoons did occasionally exist.

>> Anonymous 7feb2018(we)02:22 No.56902 O P16R15

Classic /f/.

>> Shrek 7feb2018(we)18:22 No.56917 P P17R16


Welp, i'll remember ya'll in therapy.

>> Anonymous 7feb2018(we)23:56 No.56919 G P18R17

into the trash it goes

>> Anonymous 10feb2018(sa)12:16 No.56947 Q P19R18

i almost contemplated not fapping and going straight to sleep after this.

This needs to stop before it spreads.

>> Anonymous 11feb2018(su)13:53 No.56957 R P20R19

because he's scared. you could say he's... chicken

>> Anonymous 14feb2018(we)01:46 No.57031 L P21R20

In Pompeii there was a statue of Pan fucking a goat in the town square, so this is far from a
recent phenomenon.

>> Anonymous 14feb2018(we)04:45 No.57035 S P22R21

5517 frames of hot horse on bird action.

>> Anonymous 15feb2018(th)15:41 No.57071 N P23R22

Technically I'd say it's rather bird on horse action.
Created: 22/1 -2018 11:00:06 Last modified: 1/6 -2018 05:12:24 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:04:58