Archived flashes:
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This is resource XQSGDGR, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/3 -2018 06:03:14

Ended:7/3 -2018 21:12:21

Checked:7/3 -2018 22:02:23

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 43.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: cutofjib.swf-(1.31 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] What keeps you on /f/? Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)00:00:41 No.3320771

  What is the appeal of this shit?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)00:03:37 No.3320772

  I come here for the music and loops.
  Like this one you posted , very good indeed.
  I play the loops/music in the background while
  I do other things on my computer.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)00:14:54 No.3320777

  lol 777 get

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)00:24:18 No.3320779



>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)00:38:33 No.3320781

  the constant influx of new newfags who ask for sauce and never learn how to resize the goddamn

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)01:25:54 No.3320789

  the n o s t a l g i a

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)01:48:48 No.3320792

  We are all on a rock flying through space. I do what I want and I want to watch/play flashes with
  my /f/riends

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)01:54:10 No.3320796

  How many of us have collectively showcased our collections among friends? Me and m8s would
  sometimes buy some beers and wind up wading through hundreds of swfs on a tv. Good times.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)01:55:51 No.3320797

  Anon's got it right. /f/ was a ritual between me and two of my truest neckbeard friends. Believe
  it or not, one of them was the very anon who made this flash. We would have 'flash runs' where we
  would take turns showing off our latest additions to the ever-growing archive. Little bite-sized
  injections of pure, liquid media, perfectly suited for our ADHD-addled brains. It was like being
  a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons all over again. And the best part was, you never knew
  what you would get! Sometimes infectious loops, sometimes epic stories, sometimes bizarre porn,
  sometimes horrible violence... we shared it all, the glory and the horror.

  And of course, it didn't hurt that /f/ was much more active then. I swear to god, I remember a
  time when you could check /f/, come back a few hours later and it would be entirely new stuff. It
  was a magical time.

  We're all adults now, and have all three moved away from each other, started our own lives. But
  somehow it feels like a glimmer of that brilliant place in time lives on here. It doesn't of
  course, not really, but there's just enough to keep me coming back. I'll always have a special
  place in my heart for /f/, even when Computer God bans Flash and I'm placed in space prison for
  harboring .swf files on physical media.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)02:08:20 No.3320799

  Reminds me of the old days on YTMND

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)02:13:42 No.3320802

  >inb4 4chan was always shit

  I know just what you mean. Checking newgrounds and /f/ was my life back then. They will always
  have a special place in my heart, growing up with the internet as it was just starting to get big
  and everyone finding out new things you would do with it was amazing. Everything from shock humor
  and shitty spam animations to real masterpieces were shared and posted up for everyone to tell
  you how shit they were. It was such a special time back then and I will never forget those
  countless days I spent on my computer just fucking around.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)02:20:05 No.3320805

  lol, Hi anon. We're talking about the same people. I made two other swfs that are up right now.
  Guess which ones.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)02:24:44 No.3320806

  Holy living shit. You old son of a bitch! Fancy running into you here. How long has it been since
  we were here together? And is that some OC I see???

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)02:26:40 No.3320807

  My friends and I have done that plenty throughout the years, good times.

  Can't exactly say why I stay though. I still check back here almost daily just to see what's
  posted, and I'll occasionally post OC.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)02:28:06 No.3320808

  the hentai

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)02:40:49 No.3320811

  what is that fucking song damn

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)02:46:48 No.3320814

  You will never get the sauce. There's never sauce with this jackass

  Same motherfucker that made partyvan.swf and then promptly lost the original lmao

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)02:50:33 No.3320815

  Sure is. Hit f the other day and felt sentimental. Going to be working on some stuff. Call me
  once in a while you whily bastard.

  I have a problem.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)03:01:29 No.3320817

  >partyvan.swf is
  im going to murder your entire family

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)03:04:56 No.3320818

  nvm found it

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)03:15:54 No.3320820

  Nah, older than that. I meant party_van.swf

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)03:52:06 No.3320828

  about once a year, someone posts a good game on /f/.

  that's the only reason i'm here. the loops and music are shit, and belong on YTMND.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)04:03:44 No.3320832

  You should just buy a proper game.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)05:23:08 No.3320840


>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)05:53:31 No.3320843

  Like the other poster in here, it was a ritual with my friends after a week of school, the joy of
  finding something hilarious baked late at night playing video games aswell.
  Now the only thing that keeps me coming is finding an old gem or a possible new one, and of
  course all the gachi. Rip Aniki

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)06:03:51 No.3320844

  Huh. /f/ has a small community. I wonder how many of us there are.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)06:37:17 No.3320849

  Pretty much this, only without the friends part. I showcased my collection once, and the faggot
  knocked the external hard drive off the table. That was back in 2008, and there's still shit I
  haven't gotten back.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)06:39:21 No.3320850

  currently 19
  realistically I'd say ~50

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)07:03:18 No.3320852

  Probably around a thousand people on average a week, a lot of those being regulars. But I think a
  lot just lurk, and a lot aren't on all the time, some only spending an hour a week.
  Also, just finished an online midterm, and got 95 out of a hundred right. Feels good, man.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)08:11:31 No.3320854

  I occasionally drop by, comfy board.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)08:21:13 No.3320857

  or just look at the title, it's sad, really

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)10:32:26 No.3320873


  The hopes that one day we'll get a mod that deletes the youtube rips. Or /wsg/ gets a file size
  increase so all the faggot migrate.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)10:47:42 No.3320875

  i'm here daily and just open flashes to see whats on. then someone posts an anime flash and i ask
  for anime sauce if for some reason there is none in the flash. then i watch the anime and have
  fun. i've made 4 flashes, 3 were uploaded on youtube as they were video flashes, 1 was an og
  flash, and 1 collab was a collab flash which was also uploaded onto youtube. one of my flashes
  went popular and was a "glitch flash" where the video was all fucked up and the audio sped up,
  slowed down and even broke your browser which was an unexpected, yet funny effect that has been
  fixed. i have also posted flash games that weren't on /f/ before like dotact2/dot action 2 that a
  lot of people suffer from being unable to complete. there are some specific flashes made by some
  dude whose sad he has no friends, whenever i'd notice them i'd leave a weird comment. hoping to
  make friends with some /f/lash boys and play some vidya i guess.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)11:30:20 No.3320880


>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)11:36:06 No.3320881

  congrats on your exam anon

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)11:46:33 No.3320883

  Things like this. That made me happy.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)13:37:21 No.3320902

  The guy who made Rikku.swf and one of the dudes from the first time it was posted(me) are still
  around as of like a year or so ago, I'd also say most are lurkers? I've never uploaded a flash at

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)13:40:21 No.3320904

  It's probably the only place that still somewhat feels like old 4chan, at least to me. People
  here just honestly enjoy their little traditions and memes. Nobody's hiding behind 7 layers of
  irony and there's little genuine shitposting - "bait" on /f/ mostly just means a good-hearted
  joke. It's a bit like a museum, in a nostalgic way. Or an Indian reservation.
  I mean, for fuck's sake, /f/ still has theme days.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)14:21:09 No.3320912

  I've only posted a couple of times, I lurk here because nostalgia, old games, comfy and OC. I
  browse /diy/ mostly.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)14:26:58 No.3320914

  Nostalgia and also because Xenon, NCH, and Anon D came back, Xenon even made a discord and NCH
  joined so there's been some fun discovery there, I would have never known about it had I not been
  checking out /f/ at the time... also whenever someone uploads new versions/new bits of the VIP

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)14:40:24 No.3320915

  porn games that might not now about, and the music some times
  some times even a fun game, but mostly just porn

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)15:02:42 No.3320926

  It reminds me of simpler times. I get a rush of nostalgia seeing shit from 10+ years ago still
  being regularly posted here. /f/ is a place lost to time and that's what I love about it.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)15:06:54 No.3320927

  I still don't think I've seen them all yet
Created: 7/3 -2018 06:03:14 Last modified: 7/3 -2018 22:02:36 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:45:24