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This is resource ZBA85RS, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/1 -2018 16:27:12

Ended:30/4 -2018 18:53:32

Checked:30/4 -2018 19:01:02

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 25.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 12542

Age: 110.1d   Health: 0%   Posters: 19   Posts: 25   Replies: 23   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 3jan2018(we)16:14 No.55978 OP P1

Simply Mindy

Simply Mindy

[IMG] Simply Mindy 2.7.5 Redux.swf (23.61 MiB)
960x640, Compressed. 2 frames, 65 fps (00:00).
Ver13, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 6jan2018(sa)23:16 No.56045 A P2R1

This is pretty good!

>> Anonymous 7jan2018(su)01:03 No.56046 B P3R2

Any cheats or guides?

>> Anonymous 7jan2018(su)01:11 No.56047 C P4R3

I need the hacked version

>> Anonymous 8jan2018(mo)23:23 No.56111 D P5R4

downloaded this on a whim and ended up spending 12 hours on it, it has a shit ton of stuff and it's
all really high quality, wow

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)01:04 No.56113 E P6R5

All you guys sound like you were paid or some shit. It can't be that good.

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)01:16 No.56114 F P7R6

Its not! The graphics are horrible.

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)04:05 No.56118 G P8R7

Itsgood for what its is but i couldn't see myself spending more than a buck on it if anything.

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)06:02 No.56119 H P9R8

If you are into the stat building style of game, its a 10/10.

Animation quality is like 8/10

Graphics is like a 2/10 though

Its a really good game, heaps of content, free to play, funny, quirky, well written. If you are
looking for a quick fap though, this isn't for you. The scenes are nice if you don't mind the
graphics, but there is heaps better.

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)08:32 No.56122 I P10R9

Seems like a nice game but is it supposed to be completely mute?

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)10:51 No.56123 J P11R10

I would take games like this over 3d unoptimized 0.0001 alpha "games" any time. The only thing I
don't like about this game, that you always have to start new game to unlock missing scenes, which
give small starting bonuses. Also time limit, time limit is a bane of any game.

>> Anonymous 9jan2018(tu)17:06 No.56124 K P12R11


>> Anonymous 11jan2018(th)22:05 No.56166 L P13R12

I have a hacked .sol save if anyone is interested

>> Anonymous 11jan2018(th)22:30 No.56167 M P14R13

Go on?

>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)01:05 No.56168 N P15R14

What a garbage gallery
Why the fuck wouldn't it have all the animations, instead of just the endings? Am I missing

>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)13:31 No.56181 L P16R15

Put this into your LSO folder
It gives maximum cash + all lovers unlocked + items

>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)17:42 No.56184 O P17R16

Autistic question but I've never done this before: How do I save a flash file? I wanted to save
that anon's hacked save but I don't know where or what an LSO folder even is

>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)18:14 No.56185 P P18R17

Open this flash with the swfchan embed (meaning, your url should end up something like
"/Simply%20Mindy%202.7.5%20Redux.swf.html"). Look for an underlined hyperlink "Download" at the
bottom right corner. Right click that. Then "Save as..."

>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)18:15 No.56186 P P19

As for the LSO, no idea. Another anon might have an idea.

>> Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)22:46 No.56195 L P20R18

Flash games including Mindy leaves a flash cookie and data IE save files.
In binbows you could find this folder
It lists cookies and LSO's by domain, folder name etc, etc.
If you use something like swiffplayer you see the folder name where you have your flash.
Domains and their own sites have their own folders.
Just copy that mysave.sol into the flashgame folder and you're good.

>> Anonymous 13jan2018(sa)00:41 No.56200 I P21R19

LSO means Local Shared Object ("flash cookies" is just a common nickname for it)

>> Anonymous 13jan2018(sa)04:58 No.56203 M P22R20

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable JSON is not defined.
    at com.stencyl::Config$/loadFromString()[/Users/Bird/Downloads/Stencyl-full
    at com.stencyl::Config$/load()[/Users/Bird/Downloads/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stenc
    at ApplicationMain$/main()[/Users/Bird/stencylworks/games-generated/Simply Mindy/Export/flash/ha
    at boot_d41c/init()[?:1]
    at flash::Boot/start()[/Users/Bird/Downloads/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe-std/std/flash/Boot.hx:70]
    at boot_d41c()[/Users/Bird/Downloads/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe-std/std/flash/Boot.hx:38]

>> Shrek 13jan2018(sa)07:07 No.56210 Q P23R21

Wow, a lot of content like the Soo Cubus. Me likey

>> Anonymous 13jan2018(sa)18:22 No.56218 R P24R22

or you could just go back to the list and right click the ".swf" (the extention not the file name)
that you wanna save and done

>> Anonymous 15jan2018(mo)11:01 No.56253 L P25R23

If you use binbows type %appdata% in your file explorer.
It should send you to appdata/roaming folder
Once you're there go to Macromedia folder IE
Created: 3/1 -2018 16:27:12 Last modified: 30/4 -2018 20:13:37 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:00:42