File: secret SCP file.swf-(305 KB, 1100x800, Game)
[_] Anonymous 04/22/18(Sun)23:59:52 No.3331334
>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/18(Mon)09:15:18 No.3331400
W-what happens if I blink?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/18(Mon)10:15:33 No.3331405
nobody ever survived to tell the tale
>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/18(Mon)11:10:29 No.3331409
You miss the best part and everyone will be talking about it and you'll be so confused you start
to doubt reality as the people you know and don't know all swear the best bit was... and you
always missed it. Eventually you descend in to madness, trying to mimick the SCPs dance
continuously, beatboxing the song, performing to the laughter in your head as you try to work out
what the best bit was, but you never find out.
You become a mystery of the psychiactric world, a person, hands firmly clamped to the wall,
buttocks flailing, beatboxing, until the day you die.
tldr; dont blink.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/18(Mon)14:39:22 No.3331436
SCP = Sexy Continous Prodding
>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/18(Mon)15:40:33 No.3331452
made my day