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Threads (5):
File: The 5th Avocado.swf-(961 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] The first flash I ever saw Anon 3452129 Years later I saw it was a fight club parody around the same time I started coming here in 08.
File: The 5th Avocado.swf-(961 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] Old favorite Anon 3400826
File: The 5th Avocado.swf-(961 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] Anon 3084620 >> [_] Anon 3084624 Well that's a blast from the past >> [_] Anon 3084631 >># I feel old >> [_] Anon 3084639 fucking vintage laughs here >> [_] Anon 3084658 Gold >> [_] Anon 3084704 Gr8 song >> [_] Anon 3084747 most autistic story ever, which is why my sides hurt so much.
File: The 5th Avocado.swf-(961 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] Anon 2404103 I don't like Miku Monday. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2404111 >># is this the same guy from schfifty five? >> [_] Anon 2404140 >># Why not friend? btw, thanks. I just noticed it's 2hu 2husday. >> [_] Anon 2404161 i don't like you OP >> [_] Anon 2404236 this is old, like old enough to have children of its own by now >> [_] Anon 2404270 Flash from the past here anon. Major nostalgia
File: The 5th Avocado.swf-(961 KB, Other) [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)12:45No.1715552 >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)13:50No.1715575 Brilliant storytelling. I nearly cried at the end when you saw the fish and the duck watching the dam break (obviously they were Jamal's parents). Cinematic masterpiece captured in Adobe Flash. >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)14:44No.1715604 Ah a classic. I ain't seen that since 2003 >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)15:23No.1715617 >># Man, 03 feels like a decade ago :\ >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)15:25No.1715618 > Suddenly effort > google decade HA! Off by one .-. >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)15:36No.1715624 >># Wait a minute, you needed to google what decade means? I need a drink... >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)15:45No.1715628 >># Wait a minute, you needed a reason to drink? I need a fix of heroin... >> [_] deleted07/08/12(Sun)16:16No.1715642 >># Wait a minute, are you Charlie Sheen? We should go out drinking and fuck some niggers together bro! |