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Threads (5):
File[seventhSkybeta.swf] - (907 KB) [_] [G] enjoy or help w/ /r/ fuck_noko 1346747 /r/equesting the 'na na na' song sauce and a more finalized version... yes I know this is the beta and I know of the SS+ but I've seen another version besides these too which appeared complete. Not on the "http://nextframe,jp/" site either. >> [_] Anon 1346752 AAAAAH how do I fly this fucker!!!?? >> [_] Anon 1346753 woops sorry controls: Spacebar = vulcan (use active weapon) C = Stop D = Shield S = Sword X = Transform (select models) Z = special weapon (select models) Click in the direction you want to fly >> [_] Anon 1346756 >># you got me stumped sry op i've only even known of the two .... and some weird video the creator made... >> [_] Anon 1346794 i like the newer one better theres just the one character but i like it anyway >> [_] Anon 1346810 >># na na na (hey hey!) na na na (hey hey!) na na naaaaaaaaa west virginia, country roaaaad, take me hoooome. It's a moot flash >> [_] Anon 1346846 >># Take Me Home, Country Roads The one in the flash is a remix though. >> [_] Anon 1346848 >># http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmMtCGs5w Ac >> [_] Anon 1346867 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhk-mjK1I uU
File[seventhSkybeta.swf] - (907 KB) [_] [G] [A] [M] [E] [S] /f/ needs more 1102869 There's a better version out there, I hear... Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1103052 http://www.kongregate.com/games/molobakk /seventh-sky best one i could find >> [_] Anon 1103098 this shit is gay >> [_] Anon 1103100 i have no idea what is going on
File :[seventhSkybeta.swf] - (907 KB) [_] [G] Anon 972050 Let's get some win up in hurr... Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 972091 always fun to play this >> [_] Anon 972121 What are the controls? >> [_] Anon 972134 mouse left click = the gas space = use weapon A = change form (only on Laphis) S = toggle Sword D = raise shield Z = toggle Special Weapon ---- specials Laphis - Charging Beam thingamajig RedBeryl - Spread Bomb-effect sword swing ZERO - ??? >> [_] Anon 972218 >># Zero doesn't have a gun, or Special attack. I prefer Red Beryl. Shield only blocks bullets, not missiles. You have to shoot or hit those with your sword. Clicking Float or Missile or spawn several Orange orbs/missiles near you, which will attack you. The on/off button enables/disables a stream trail, which is kinda cool. Underneath that, it spawns a boss. Destroy with special weapon. Laphis' special gets more powerful the longer you charge it. The invisible orb, marked NaN on radar, can't be damaged, and will always spawn near you if you run away from it. The L and M buttons change quaility of image. L for Low, M for Medium, which is the default setting. >> [_] Anon 972228 >># zero's got a gun. for some reason it doesn't always activate, but after a few kills i'm able to pull out it's machine gun. didn't know those other keys though. >> [_] Anon 972237 E is a second special attack. Zero shoots a wave of destruction in front of it. Red Beryl shoots mass homing missiles behidn it. Both Laphis spawn three gunpods that aim where you aim and shoot when you shoot. Can be used in conjuction with charge beam. >> [_] Anon 972266 there is a new seventh sky out. I don't think shield are in it anymore. >> [_] Anon 972280 I have an earlier version of this game in my flash files. I would like to see a finished version of this.
File :[seventhSkybeta.swf] - (907 KB) [_] [G] Requesting dRive.swf, old thread file 404 noko 958754 Uploading games in return. >> [_] Anon 958946 Fantastic game by the way.
File :[seventhSkybeta.swf] - (907 KB) [_] [G] Robot Vidya Gaems ~~~~~~~LvlAWESOME~~~~~~~~ 946194 Because nothing is better than Mecha Monday on a Tuesday Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 946227 sexy >> [_] Anon 946288 Not a bad game, music got annoying but you got a good sence of speed zipping around like that fun game, if only there was a difference between the robots >> [_] Anon 946305 >># Try hitting E? >> [_] Anon 946315 fucking nice. I've had the old demo for a few years now. the link to the site was dead, I thought the project had died. >> [_] Anon 946322 Holy fuck they finally updated it! >> [_] Anon 946355 what is the name of the song please?!!!!! >> [_] Anon 946434 >># try exploring the keyboard before stringing together letters you think make up a coherent thought the first two, (blue and orange) are basically the same, but the orange should have this burst effect. they have a fighter form, deployable drones and a laser beam ult the red one is slow as ass, top speed is equal to rockets, but it can fire homing rockets, and its ult is a clutter bomb the teal one is a melee whore, a wave like slash attack ult, no craft form, just a shit load of speed >> [_] Anon 946452 >># Indeed, his comment is retarded however I believe the red one uses a sword that deploys cluster bombs mid swing. With regard to the top two I would point out that the blight blue one has a faster sword slash, it may be slight but it is noticeable. Also what exactly do you mean when you say burst? |