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This is resource NZIULR2, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/11 -2009 17:24:42
15.3 years ago.

Ended:23/11 -2009 23:07:59
15.3 years ago.

Checked:4/12 -2009 12:56:44
15.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 22.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[518729_once_more.swf] - (3.21 MB)
[_] [G] There ARE good games on Newgrounds from time to time. Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)11:19

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)12:03 No.1122349

  i got to physics 103 before i raged and shut it down

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)12:10 No.1122352

  Bawwww ending =\

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)12:24 No.1122360

  Nice game, but the AI needs alot of work, I'm stuck at the part with the big staircase, and the
  fuckers won't climb it

>> [_] Ghost !ROf1DooMsA 11/23/09(Mon)12:40 No.1122370

  AI is perfect, you obviously didnt jump for the first stair

  im stuck on the green bridge over the gap >> now i gotta start thinking

>> [_] Ghost !ROf1DooMsA 11/23/09(Mon)12:42 No.1122373

  Got it, damn this game has an interesting concept

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)13:22 No.1122395

  wait, fall on bridge, wait a while, jump forwar, walk forwar, now space bar, fall on bridge and
  wait for shadow to land on you, walk till the end of the bridge and wait for the shadow o get to
  the box

>> [_] Cyber Akuma !9pQvCy3xq2 11/23/09(Mon)13:25 No.1122397

  I like the story, but as for the gameplay, it certainly is good, but this is about the 100th
  flash game I have seen that uses the "record your previous movements then play them back in the
  present" mechanic, its getting old.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)13:46 No.1122404

  >>1122397 I actually thought that, other than the last Kathryn level, the story was irritatingly
  childish in itsdelivery, whereas the platforming was done at least as well as any of the other
  games using the same mechanic.

>> [_] Shawn eater !DboU7yuujg 11/23/09(Mon)14:10 No.1122417

  im stuck at the level where he says he really has more stuff to say

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)14:14 No.1122420


  Just keep hitting spacebar eight hundred million times when you fail while you try to jump
  across, you'll make it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)14:30 No.1122427

  no, I jumped for each stair and then hit space bar all the way at the wall after hitting a, but
  the shadoow guys stopped at the last step and refused to go any further, but I reloaded and it
  worked fine so, meh.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)14:54 No.1122439


>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)14:59 No.1122445

  >reach ending

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)15:13 No.1122452

  poor jack

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)15:17 No.1122456

  I fuckin baww'd

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)15:18 No.1122459

  Try right click->Play.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)15:33 No.1122466

  I can't stop playing this, it's so sad

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)15:49 No.1122476

  Anyone have any info on this case?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)16:16 No.1122490

  way to easy

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)16:28 No.1122500

  This entire game is just the shadow world levels of Braid, but with less complexity. Hell, it
  seems he even lifted the pseudo-artsy storytelling method straight from the game too. I will not
  be fooled into thinking the words "good" and "Newgrounds" can fit together anywhere but in a
  sarcastic joke ever again.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)16:33 No.1122504

  Not only I get the white screen of shame, but the ending doesn't trigger.

  Shit sucks.

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Created: 23/11 -2009 17:24:42 Last modified: 4/12 -2009 13:11:11 Server time: 14/03 -2025 19:06:54