File[HELLFIRE.swf] - (6.72 MB)
[_] [?] HELLFIRE UP IN THIS BITCH Anonymous 11/07/09(Sat)23:52 No.1111470
Fuck yes
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)00:03 No.1111473
I've always imagined a 40K version of this in which the governor of the Paris system becomes
entranced by a Slaanesh witch.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)00:12 No.1111476
What is this from?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)00:13 No.1111478
The Little Mermaid.
>> [_] Reiiama Kotsu 11/08/09(Sun)00:19 No.1111484
It's from the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)00:27 No.1111490
Aside from some of the ones in Fantasia... ONLY epic Disney song.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)02:29 No.1111591
I never like dubbed movies, but the swedish dub of Hellfire is what stands out as something at
least equal to the original.
Look it up.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:02 No.1111611
Huh, just realized the bit where the monks/robes are sucked into the fireplace seems like a
vaginal reference...
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:17 No.1111658
Best be trolling.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:48 No.1111681
>up in this bitch